Sunday, March 19, 2017

Mahatma Gandhi

Dear All,

When we say that the world is changing, world is moving, all objects - plants, trees and human beings are born, live and die, let us just think for a moment, with what relevance we say that they move or they change / they live / they die. 

Is it not that all these are in relation to some thing, some phenomenon which does not change, which does not move, which is not born, which does not die?

This can be better understood by one example.

When we are seated in a train which has stopped in a station, in the next line, a train is moving non stop in full speed.

We say that the other train is moving, only with reference to the train which is not moving, in which we are seated.

Similarly, only with reference to some phenomenon which is much beyond this moving world, which by itself does not move, which is not born and which does not die, it appears that the world is moving / man is born, man lives and man dies!

Look around the world and see each and every object in the world. 

Can't you realize that all these objects could not have been created by any object which is also moving like all other objects?

There must be something super natural, some phenomenon that is change less, unmoved, which existed before time space came to be known.

Out of such super natural phenomenon which by itself is motion less, birth less, death less this entire creation  which is continuously moving and which has all objects in it which are born, which live for some time, which die after some time.

This super natural phenomenon is GOD!
