Friday, March 24, 2017

Attach to Detach or Detach to Attach? - Swami teaches us

Dear All,

Yesterday, in Chinamaya’s quote - we learnt “Detach, to Attach”. Vairagya has to set in, for salvation to commence.

Today, we read how to “Attach to Detach”!

(Arey bhaiya ji, satya murthy sahb, Hum Khudai confusion mein hain, hum ko aur confuse nahin kariyega! Kabhi attach to kabhi detach. Ye kya confusion hai?!!)

Dear All,

Doctor does not prescribe same medicines to all kinds of diseases to different patients.

Swami also cannot give the same prescription to all devotees.

When He sees that a devotee has got the power to renounce, He commands “leave your job and come and work in parthi”. Author has himself seen at least 3 such cases while Swami commanded to 3 devotees even when we were seated for pada namaskar, as Delhi sevadal, after completing our Seva.

One was Shri Shyam Nanda, who was working at a senior position in American embassy, another was Sri Pradhan, who was in Army and now discharging his responsibility as chief Security Officer in Parthi and there are few more.

This is His command “Detach, to Attach”.

Now, about Sai’s ways of “ attaching us to detach”.

Swami attaches us through:-

·   His experience shared by other devotees with us.

·   His first darshan, sparshan and sambashan

·   His vibhuthi creation for us.

·   Creating ring/necklace for us

·   Saving us from some fatal accident.

·   Forgiving us for our endless sins and smiling and asking us “when did you come” when we are seated in the sanctum sanctorum.

and.. the list is endless.

And when He chose to leave His form as Sathya Sai for the time being, He has left us with a question.

“I have left you physically for the time being. After all the attachments, you have had with Me, I have left a plethora of My teachings for you to get attached to. I shall come back as Prema Sai to see whether you were really attached to My teachings or drifted away from Me and got attached to other names and forms, got attached to this glittering world and got actually detached from Me”

Whether we will PASS the TEST given by our Sai and look at Prema Sai eye to eye and whisper, “Sai, I could pass in Your test”?



Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Dear All,

The mantra given by Sai in the above pour is as though "ATTACH, TO DETACH" as against DETACH TO ATTACH given in another post where we learnt to develop detachment at mental level for progressing in sadhana.

A child is holding a toy which has some protruding nail which may harm the child. Even if you tell 100 times to the child to leave that toy, the child may not leave and in fact, it may hold on to the toy more vigorously.

However, if you show a more precious, more attractive doll to the child, the child will immediately throw the previous doll and run towards the new toy.

Similarly, it is of no use to preach detachment, dispassion, control of senses etc., to an aspirant sometimes. 

Instead, show him the joy of being in the kingdom of God. Take him through the stories of realized Masters, show him the state of joy of the realized Masters. Narrate the glory of Sri Krishna as described in Srimad Bhagawatham. 

It is quite possible that the aspirant will get so much ATTACHED to the glory of Lord, to the joy of being in God's kingdom that he may be actually DETACHED from the world, without even realizing the same.

So, the secret is "channelize your mind to nobler, higher, sacred pursuits in the world, the less sacred ones will drop off your mind on their own".
