Past deeds affect the present
Our present condition and circumstances are
decided by deeds done in previous lives. In a similar manner, the conditions in
which we have to spend the future are determined by what we are doing now.
Between one life and another, one death and the next, the individual either
progresses or regresses, expands or shrinks. Like a frail ship caught in a
stormy sea, one climbs the froth-rimmed peak of some gigantic wave and, the
next moment, is hurled with terrific speed into the deepest trough. The rise
and fall result inevitably from good and bad deeds.
O ye children of immortality! Listen! Listen to
the answer given in the message of the sages (rishis) who had the vision of the
Most Majestic of Persons (Purushothama) who dwells beyond the realms of
delusion and darkness:
O, ye human beings! Brothers! The only means for you to liberate yourselves from the succession of deaths is “knowing Him”. Do not imagine that you are sinners, for you are heirs to eternal bliss (ananda). You are “images” of God, sharers in undiminishable bliss. You are by nature holy, ever-full; you are indeed God moving on earth. Is there a sin greater than calling such as you sinners? You are dishonoring and defaming yourselves when you acknowledge the appellation “sinners”! Arise! Cast off the feeling that you are sheep. Don’t be deluded into that idea. You are Atmas. You are drops of divine nectar of Immortality, which know neither beginning nor end. All things material are your bond slaves; you are not their bond slaves.
These are the words of the sages (rishis). How
can those who have not themselves delved into this truth appreciate this
Indian (Bharathiya) interpretation? Indians are the fortunate ones who have
achieved great strength in spirit by holding God as father, mother, guru,
friend, and the beloved. They have adored God as dearer to them than anything
or anyone, here or hereafter. How can those who are aware only of mere sensual
pleasure know this supreme truth? The craving for sensual pleasure veils the
truth from the inner eye. That craving manifests in multiple ways, creating
more and more desires and laying down more and more urges to action. These
desires and urgings hide the truth like a thick curtain.
Inner search for breaking out of illusion
The recognition of this curtain is a big stage
in spiritual progress. This is the illusion (maya) principle of Vedanta. From
immemorial times, though the truth was self-evident, this curtain has hidden it
from people. This was discovered by Indians ages ago as the prime obstacle. How
to remove the curtain and cognize truth? Indians knew that the solution does
not lie in the objective, external world, so it would be futile to seek it
there. The search in the external world, even for ages, cannot ensure success.
Only inner experience can guarantee conviction.
Summary- Essence
Let us see how Swami beautifully takes us through an unimaginable sequence in today's post
1) First Swami warns us, revealing the essence of Karma theory. He re-iterates that what we are going through now, in this birth, is the effect of what we did in previous births and whatever fresh actions we are pursuing now, are going to shape up our suffering/happiness in the births to come.
2) Having warned us, in case we get guilty of whatever we have been in this birth and we are worried as to what we are going to suffer in future births, Swami pats on our back and confirms, "You are “images” of God, sharers in undiminishable bliss. You are by nature holy, ever-full; you are indeed God moving on earth. Is there a sin greater than calling such as you sinners? You are dishonoring and defaming yourselves when you acknowledge the appellation “sinners”!"
3) We start thinking, all right , Swami has assured that we are not sinners in essence and we are pure SELF?
4) Swami again reminds us that we are caught in an illusion that we are this body and we indulge in all pleasures, for gratifying our body sense. Swami says about this curtain of our illusion "The recognition of this curtain is a big stage in spiritual progress. This is the illusion (maya) principle of Vedanta. From immemorial times, though the truth was self-evident, this curtain has hidden it from people. "
5) What is the way out?
6) Swami says, what Indians did to fund out a way out. If we have not still taken up this route, this is a reminder from our dear lord.
"The mind was the instrument for the Indian seekers to discover this secret, which is the basic principle of wisdom as treasured by them. It became imperative for them to use the mind itself and study its nature and characteristics. They realized soon enough that study of the external world led them nowhere. They diverted their attention to the internal “regions” of their consciousness."