Monday, January 16, 2023

Bhagawan Sathya Sai Baba



Seva is the highest form of worship


The four Purusharthas (life- goals)--Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha have been laid down to teach man that he should earn Artha (wealth) through Dharma (right means) and direct Kama (desire) towards Moksha (release from bondage). But man ignores Dharma and Moksha and struggles to direct Kama towards Artha. His sense of values has become topsy turvy; for example, he is delighted when the sun rises and happy when it sets, for he can work during day and rest at night. He does not realize that the sun is, with each passing day, shortening the time allotted to him for earthly existence. He does not remind himself that the earth is but a caravanserai and that he has to leave behind all that he claims to possess.

The wise ones use money, strength, intelligence, skills, aptitudes and opportunities for helping others and making their lives happier. Thus, they win Divine Grace, for Seva is the highest form of worship. There are millions who are hungry, desperate and miserable. I am directing you to limit the intake of food to actual need, so that you can share it with the poor. Do not waste food. Do not fritter away money for harmful purposes; use it for helping others. Do not waste time and energy; allow others to benefit by your skills.


Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Prashanthi Nilayam, 21 - 11 - 1985

Sri Sathya Speaks - Vol 18