Friday, October 5, 2018

Rama Katha Rasa Vahini - Post 48


Jambavantha addressed them thus. "Friends! Old age has overwhelmed me; my skill and strength have declined. Somehow prodded by the joy of executing the commands of Rama and encouraged by His Blessings, I have been able to stay on till now and move about with you. I was in full possession of my strength and intelligence, and in the best adult stage of life, when the Lord incarnated as Vamana  and demonstrated His Trivikrama Form." 

Hearing this, the Vanaras gathered around the Crown Prince of their kingdom, Angada. "O Prince", they pleaded, "Search for some feasible means. Decide who amongst us has to attempt to leap over the ocean." Then, Angada called together a full session of all the Vanaras and announced that he would like to know the capacity of each for this enterprise. At this, Vikata rose and said, "I can leap over thirty yojanas at the most." Nila declared, "Prince! I can manage to leap at one jump forty yojanas, but I regret I will not be able to exceed the distance by even a finger-breadth". Durdhara rose next, and said that he could easily jump a distance of fifty yojanas. Nala came forward and with great flourishing of hands, he said he could jump sixty yojanas. While such competitive boasting and parading of skills were going on, Angada declared, "Listen, I can leap over this ocean once, but I have my doubts whether I would have enough strength left to leap back. One has not only to reach the other shore; one has to fight with the Rakshasas there, if need arises. That would make me still weaker and I would have no strength left. I am afraid my resources won't last so long and for all these three operations." 

When Angada spoke in these depressing terms, the leading Vanara elders rose as one and pleaded, "Prince! You are the heir-apparent to our kingdom. The discussion whether you are capable or not, to take up this mission is irrelevant. It is not right and proper that you should cross over to the land of Rakshasas; it is against the canons of royalty. This is a task which you have to assign to some servant of the kingdom. When you have millions of servants eager to do what you bid, it is not right that you should consider undertaking this task." 

Jambavantha suggested that some one else might be charged with the errand and Angada looked around, and looking at Hanuman, he said, "0 Son of the Wind-God, you are the dedicated servant of Rama. Your devotion is indeed deep. You were blessed first among all of us with the Darsan of Rama. Through your intelligence, diplomacy and moral pressure, you established friendship between Rama and our ruler, Sugriva. And, now, you are observing silence, when we are involved with difficulties in the execution of the mission of Rama. I find it difficult to understand the meaning of this silence." 

Angada extolled Hanuman still further and said, "There is no adventure that you cannot tackle successfully. You are strong, you are highly intelligent. You are endowed with all the virtues. Evaluate your own skills, capacities and excellences, and rise." The words of Angada filled Hanuman with his erstwhile strength. He rose with a sudden gesture and said. 

"0 Vanaras! Wait here, all of you, awaiting my return. Wandering all these days through hills and dales, jungles and plains you have had no time to rest awhile. Eat the fruits and tubers available in this area and station yourselves here. I shall, this instant, leap over the ocean, enter Lanka, see Sita and come back. I have no other work than carrying out the command of Rama. How else can we make our lives worth-while than by earning His Grace?" 

With these words, he raised his folded palms in salutation before the vast gathering of monkeys. He took leave of Angada, the Crown Prince. The monkey hordes were raising in unison the exultant cry, "Jai Rama". "Victory to Rama". Hanuman pictured in his mind the glorious Form of Rama, and, with one leap into the sky, he was off over the sea. Unable to withstand the tremendous airflow caused by his leap and flight, trees on the hills were uprooted and carried along. The impact of his leap was so great that the peak on which he stood sank into the nether regions. 

Seeing him fly across, the sea thought within itself thus: "This Hanuman is a servant of Rama; he is proceeding on the mission of Rama. Ah! How lucky is he! He has the strength and intelligence necessary to win victory in that mission of Rama; he is indeed the foremost among the devotees of Rama". 


Dear All,

In this post, Hanuman teaches mankind on "SELF CONFIDENCE" in "SURRENDER".

Hanuman did not know the length and breadth of the Sea. Hanuman had not seen Sita before. Hanuman had no idea of how daunting the task would be.

But, when it came to his Lord's task, Hanuman did not think even for a moment. 

He just gets up and starts the journey. 

This is "SELF CONFIDENCE" when we have surrendered to the Lord fully.

Actually, there is no one left in Hanuman to think / to be aware of his SELF CONFIDENCE but the world sees him and hails his confidence, his surrender and his Love for Rama!!!!


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