Embodiments of Love!
Man is carried away by his identification with the body, so he perceives
diversity in creation. In fact, it is unity alone that is behind the apparent diversity.
Whatever differences are there, they are only the creations of your mind. If you want to eliminate these differences and realize the principle of unity in diversity, you have to realise your true nature. You experience diversity when you turn your perception away from this fact of unity.
Recognize the
principle of unity. You are God. God is not separate from you. It is a mistake to consider your-
self separate from God. This difference is the result of your deluded vision. When you rectify
this defect in your vision, you will realise “I am I”.
When you identify Sai Baba with the physical form, you become separate from Him. It is only
these feelings of identification with the physical form that create differences between individuals. The feelings of “I” and “mine” are behind all this multiplicity of forms. If you stand before a
mirror, you see your image. Even if there are many mirrors, you see the same image. Though the
mirrors are many, the image is one. Realise this oneness behind multiplicity.
Embodiments of Love! Students! Boys and Girls!
Try to know the fundamental principle of oneness. If you know this, everything else will be-
come known to you. This world has a plethora of forms but there is one divinity, which per-
meates all these forms. Know this truth.
Ekam sath viprah bahudha vadanti (Truth is one, but
wise men call it by many names). You see diversity due to the effect of illusion (maya). There
exists only unity everywhere, not diversity. It is your illusion that causes diversity. Forget this
diversity and contemplate on divinity. You may ascribe any number of names and forms to God
but God is one.
At one time, Radha realised her oneness with Krishna. But later she was overcome by delusion and started considering herself different from Krishna. This feeling of separateness is a big
mistake. Reminding Radha of her true identity, Narada told her that she had no separate identity.
It was her mistake that she had identified herself with her name, he said. He added that she was
not separate from Krishna, and she was, in fact, Krishna.