Rama called together in his presence Lakshmana with Sugriva, Jambavantha, and Angada, and asked them to go into Lanka with Nala, Nila and others for installing Vibhishana as the Emperor of Lanka. He directed them to proceed without delay, for the fourteen years of exile which the father had prescribed for him would end the next day. But, Vibhishana protested and pleaded, "Why do I need an empire? Please place me instead in the immediate presence of your Lotus Feet, he prayed. From this day Lanka is yours; treat Lanka as a part of Ayodhya", he insisted.
But, Rama did not agree. He elucidated many political principles and declared that his order was irrevocable. Then, Vibhishana prayed that he should be entrusted with the Empire by his own hands. Rama replied, "No. Having observed and followed my father's command for thirteen years, eleven months and twenty-nine days, it is not proper that on the very last day, I should go against it. I am on exile as he desired and an exile should not enter any town or human settlement. You are not unaware of this rule." Thus saying, he blessed Vibhishana and instructed Lakshmana to go into Lanka and install the new Emperor on the throne of Lanka. Bowing their heads in acceptance of this assignment, Lakshmana, Sugriva, Angada, Nala, Nila, and others started towards the city and reached the palace. They placed the crown on the head of Vibhishana and put on his forehead the auspicious mark of authority.

Then, Rama called Hanuman near and told him, "O Hanuman, Incomparable Hero! Go into Lanka on my errand once more and communicate to Sita all that has happened and return with authentic news about her condition."
Accordingly, Hanuman entered Lanka, went to the place where Sita was and fell at her holy feet. She asked him, "Are Rama and Lakshmana safe, with their Vanara forces? Is Rama, the Ocean of Compassion, safe and happy?" Hanuman replied with folded palms and bowed head. "Rama is safe and happy in all respects. He has killed Ravana and installed Vibhishana the permanent Emperor of this land." Sita was glad at the news of Rama's victory and Ravana's downfall. Her face brightened with joy; she felt a great thrill of delight. Tears of joy streamed from her eyes. "O Leader of Vanaras! What can I offer you as a gift for conveying to me this best of news? Nothing can equal in value the comforting words you have spoken," she said. Hanuman replied, "Mother! The bliss you evinced, the blossoming of joy - they have given me as much as a gift of the three worlds. What more can I crave for? What greater fortune can anyone need than the fortune of seeing Rama victorious over the enemy and happy with his Brother?" With these words, he prostrated once again at the feet of Sita.
Sita said, "O Best among Vanaras! I was sunk in agony these ten months of separation from my Lord, and hence I could not see or know anything about the external world. I do not know which day of the week it is today, nor whether it is the bright or dark fortnight, or which day it is in that fortnight. Whatever it is, you have given me the most welcome and the most auspicious news; so, I shall name it the Mangala Day, (though it may generally be named otherwise. It was a Tuesday), meaning the Day that brought Mangala or auspiciousness and joy. May this Day be held sacred and may you, the bringer of this news, be adored specially on this day, more than on other days of the week." At this, Hanuman fell at her feet and stood with folded palms.