Dear All,
Swami then writes about how Tataka is slated by Sri Rama and also, during the journey, Viswamitra narrates many stories of many sages to Rama and Lakshmana.
While on their way to Mithila where Sage Viswamitra has been called by King Janaka, here is the story of Ahalya which is given by dear Swami.
".......... One day, while Gauthama was absent at the asram, Indra, the Chief of the Gods, came into the hermitage in the guise of Gauthama himself! The virtuous spouse took Him to be her Lord; she served him reverentially but, the real Gauthama entered and, discovered her apparent faithlessness.
He recognised Indra, in spite of his disguise, and became terribly enraged. 'Evil-minded fellow’ he shouted; but Indra had suddenly disappeared.
"He turned towards Ahalya in his anger and roared, ‘You have vowed to destroy this hermitage by indulging in vice, is it? I shall not be here a minute longer. I cannot tolerate the sight of your face. Be prostrate behind some bush, living as a sprite on air, with no food or drink. I am off’. Gauthama hated the place that had been desecrated by deceit.
"Ahalya wept her heart out, and pleaded that she was
innocent of sin, that she was deceived by the disguise and activated by reverence towards her ord only, that she was carried away by the duty of loyalty to her husband. She held his feet and prayed for pardon. Gauthama melted a little at her importunities; the truth became clear to him; but since words once spoken could not be withdrawn, he said, ‘Ahalya! you know that I have vowed never to go against the spoken word. Therefore, you have to lie in bush and briar, sad and starving, until Rama, son of Dasaratha, comes this way and seeing you, He will shower Grace on you, allowing you to touch His Feet, and He will speak with you in great compassion; the Darsan, Sparsan and Sambashan will cleanse you, and you will shine forth in your real form and charm. I shall then rejoin you.’ So saying, Gauthama left this place and hastened to the Himalayan region. From that moment, Ahalya lost her name and form; she lives on air, and is deeply lost in austerity, eager to rejoin her lord. And, this once lovely park suffered neglect."
innocent of sin, that she was deceived by the disguise and activated by reverence towards her ord only, that she was carried away by the duty of loyalty to her husband. She held his feet and prayed for pardon. Gauthama melted a little at her importunities; the truth became clear to him; but since words once spoken could not be withdrawn, he said, ‘Ahalya! you know that I have vowed never to go against the spoken word. Therefore, you have to lie in bush and briar, sad and starving, until Rama, son of Dasaratha, comes this way and seeing you, He will shower Grace on you, allowing you to touch His Feet, and He will speak with you in great compassion; the Darsan, Sparsan and Sambashan will cleanse you, and you will shine forth in your real form and charm. I shall then rejoin you.’ So saying, Gauthama left this place and hastened to the Himalayan region. From that moment, Ahalya lost her name and form; she lives on air, and is deeply lost in austerity, eager to rejoin her lord. And, this once lovely park suffered neglect."
When Viswamitra narrated this tale, Ramachandra expressed great surprise, "What! You are telling me that she is waiting for me! Poor thing! If you can make me know where she is, deep in austerity … tell me where." As Rama moved on, Viswamitra and Lakshmana followed him at some distance. He passed through some tangled bushes and entered a hut, behind a bush of briar.

Ahalya raised her head and seeing the Divinely charming Form of Rama, she held the Feet, exclaiming in ecstasy, "Ah! I am saved" "0 God, come to save me from sin! Your heart is moved at last". She poured out her gratitude in many hymns of praise. She rose, like the moon from behind the clouds, effulgent and fresh.
At that moment Gauthama too who was a master of the mysteries of yoga, appeared before them for he knew that Rama had come, and rescued his wife. He accepted her, purified by rigorous austerity, and blessed by Rama. Both husband and wife fell at the Feet of Rama and Lakshmana, who were both overwhelmed by the Ananda they had.
Gauthama offered reverence and homage to Viswamitra. The band of disciples was amazed at the wonder they had witnessed; they looked on at the brothers with the fixed gaze of wonder. Viswamitra took leave of Gauthama, and walked on, in the north-easterly direction, with Rama and Lakshmana by his side."
Dear All,
This uddhaar of Ahalya is a very significant and important part of Rama's story. Few more like ahalya - like Guha, Sabari are to follow while we move along the story.
Swami writes on what Gautama has to say about Sri Rama's visit to Ahalya to save her thus:-
"Rama, son of Dasaratha, comes this way and seeing you, He will shower Grace on you, allowing you to touch His Feet, and He will speak with you in great compassion; the Darsan, Sparsan and Sambashan will cleanse you, and you will shine forth in your real form and charm."
Do we not feel within that Swami is writing about Himself, His own avatar in the above lines??
How many devotees have been transformed, cleansed of their vasanas and all vices, with Sai' s Darshan, Sparshan and Sambashan????
It is worthwhile for we devotees to capture all those moments of our Darshan, Sparshan and Sambashan of our Sai and how much we stand cleansed, how much we stand purified, how much we stand transformed and also, how many miles to go for our total transformation!!!!!