Therefore, an intelligent seeker should , as in the case of illness and so on , strive hard by all the means at his disposal to be free from the bondage of births and deaths. (66)
The ideas in the preceding ten verses are now being concluded with this eleventh sloka. Naturally the term 'therefore' with which this verse opens, is a sequel to all the reasons shown and explained in the previous verses.
In verse 56, Sankara started this discussion. All through, he has emphasized that self-effort is essential and said that, compared to it, mere sastras studies and the capacity to discourse upon them were not sufficient.
Because of these reasons, it can be logically understood that each seeker must, for himself, strive with all sincerity and regularity in the right direction, so that he may come to realize in himself the eternal godhood of his spiritual nature.
The simile used in this verse is very significant. Like a sick patient, we are to consider ourselves as infected with the microbes of ignorance.
Health is the real nature of all living beings. Illness is the unnatural condition of the body, when it has, for reasons known or unknown, fallen away from its essential health.
Therefore, health is not to be created, but all our efforts should be to remove the causes that created the disease. A body rid of its disease germs comes to manifest full health and vigour.
Similarly, ignorance creates in us all the maladjustments through which spiritual dynamism, divine glory and supreme perfection are veiled from us.
In the case of disease medicine cannot be consumed by even the nearest or dearest ones; it has to be consumed by the sick person alone; in the same way, guru cannot help; sastram cannot help, even Bhagawan cannot help. They can all support you; but you must do, you alone have to do.
In one corner and samsara also will remain. There will be a peculiar co-existence of scriptural study and samsara. Even though they should not co-exist, they will co-exist because we have not put forth any effort to assimilate it. And therefore, he says: sarvaprayatnena; with all your sincerity, wholeheartedness, yatnah kartavyo; effort must be put forth. Wholeheartedly means I should give quality time;
Sankara emphasizes svena eva; by oneself alone; for what purposes? Bhava banda vimuktaye; for freedom from the bondage of samsara, which expresses in the form of sorrow; which expresses in the form of anxiety; insecurity; fear; anger, depression.
Even intellectual problems. Intellectual problem is the basic question: why am I born? Why should the Lord create the universe? If the Lord is Omniscient and Omnipotent; why can't he create a wonderful universe?
All the above questions can afflict a person; that is intellectual bondage. All put together is called bhava bandaḥ. And vimuktih means removal. So, for this removal of bhava banda, effort should be put forth by oneself alone.
The teacher through the student is giving a general advice to all the seekers or all the people. Tasmat. Therefore, therefore means even though moksha is your very nature you need not get it from outside, but still the nature you have to own up; this requires your initiative