Sutra 73. Yatastadeeyaah.
Because they are all His own.
Yatah : because, since
Tadeeyaah : His own, belonging
to Him, his. For they all belong to Him.
Devotees belong to the Lord.
They are the objects of His special love. He loves them for their sincere devotion
and pure, virtuous life. Wealth, beauty, birth and culture are of no value
without these two qualifications.
The devotees become
embodiments of the Divine on account of their devotion. Therefore, they lose
all sense of difference among themselves No one recognizes himself as superior
to the rest.
Devotees are equal in the
sight of God because their devotion is the same in spite of apparent physical
and social differences. They all belong to one group. To a devotee all the
creatures in the world are the children of God or God Himself Therefore he sees
them with equal vision or Samadrishti .
It is Lord Hari that has taken
all these forms. The whole world is a manifestation of the Lord.
One who has merged with the Lord loses his identity and walks in this world as Love.
When one walks thus, then nothing in this world, no beings, whether they are good or bad- are left out of this aura of divine Love that the devotee has become.
Such a devotee does not see any one as what they are in this apparent world. He sees them and see them not. He knows them and knows them not.
The Sutra " All belong to Him" is understood in 2 ways and both ultimately mean the same.
1) All belong to the Lord.
Real Love is- to love some one unconditionally, love him/ her as whole with no terms, no conditions, no ifs and no buts, no partial love, not saying, " I love this this thing about you but I hate this and this other thing about you". This becomes a conditional love.
Only when some one really loves the other in the above sense, then, along with the person he loves, he loves all those who belong to that person whom he loves.
Thus, a true lover crosses the distinction of mine and thine.
If this is applicable in worldly love, then , if that love is taken far far beyond worldly love and taken to Love for God, then, how one will not love Lord's entire creation and feel inwardly that the entire creation belongs to Him and now that he loves and owns God, he loves and owns the entire creation which has emerged from that Lord.
It is not like Buy one and get one free, it is Love one and Love ( that one's) all!!!
2) All belong to the devotee upon merger with the Lord
This stage is the ultimate stage in devotion.
In this stage, the Bhakta and Bhagwan have merged into one another and there is only one existence- PURE LOVE.
So, in this stage, there is no possibility of even the bhakta's seeing all others as God's creation.
In fact, the Bhakta, upon merger with Bhagwan, sees no creation.
He exists as ocean of Love in which, the entire creation and its beings , as though, has willingly immersed itself and is blessed by the divine love that the devotee verily exists as!!!
This stage can only be experienced, not illustrated or explained in words.
He is just LOVE.
Such a devotee is a standing example, standing testimonial, a living proof to Sai's gospel- " Love is God, live in Love".
PS- Today being the Aradhana day, left us dedicate ourselves to Sai and take an oath that we will rise beyond attending weekly bhajan once, involving in few activities here and there in Sai organization and exist as same old human beings with our own likes, dislikes, hatred and. attachments, impressions and expressions, fear and false ego, rise beyond merely speaking about Sai and His message theoretically, rise beyond mere workshops, seminars and programs, rise beyond teaching to the society on Sai ideals
If this does not apply to any other devotee, let it be only for the author to think and evolve!!!!!!!