A disease is not cured by merely repeating the name of the medicine and without taking it. Without direct Realization, by a mere utterance of the word, 'Brahman', none can be liberated.(62)
Jnana is the knowledge learned by applying the mind, senses, and intellect. In contrast, vijnana (wisdom) is the knowledge gained through spiritual practice, it is a direct experiential realization; and should not be misunderstood for intellectual knowledge. An example to explain this is honey kept in a sealed jar. We have heard that honey has the sweetest taste that is incomparable to any other sweet. But unless we open the jar and taste it, we will not get the experiential realization of its sweetness.
Likewise, the Guru gives us jnana, which is the theoretical knowledge of the scriptures. Yet, we need to practice sadhana as per the acquired jnana, which would consequently purify our mind. Only then, vinjana (wisdom) knowledge, through self-realization will be attained.
Swami chinmayananda writes:-
How and why mere chanting of a mantra is by itself, considered impotent is explained here. Any person suffering from ignorance cannot expect to be cured by merely repeating the word 'Brahman', the name of the absolute Reality. Repeated utterances of 'aham brahmasmi' or a mechanical murmuring of endless 'sivoham' cannot by themselves produce any cure. However effective the medicine may be, no patient is known to have been cured only by repeatedly reading a prescription.
By merely repeating for hours the word 'aspirin', when one is suffering from headache, one can only increase it. The only cure is to take the medicine and assimilate it till it becomes one with the patient. By this alone can he get complete relief.
Similarly, a mere repetition of the sacred Truth of Vedanta is futile without the struggle to raise ourselves to the subtler joys of a higher culture and a divine way of living, by individually assimilating the Truth of the Upanisads and becoming one with it by intimate personal experience. Subjective Realization, most intimate and immediate, total and permanent, is called 'aparoksa anubhava' of the Self. No doubt, this must be preceded by an intellectual understanding of the Truth called in Sanskrit 'paroksa jnanam'.
Paramahamsa Yogananda wrote:-
“Knowledge of the scriptures is beneficial only when it stimulates a desire for practical realization; otherwise, theoretical knowledge gives one a false conviction of wisdom. Unrealized knowledge of scriptures may thus become a detriment to the practical realization of spiritual truths.
But when theoretical scriptural knowledge is continuously converted into inner perceptions of wisdom, that knowledge is a source of redemption. Many pundits and learned professors—for all their mental acumen— daily demonstrate by their uncontrolled lives their failure to put philosophy to any practical use.
A man without scriptural knowledge or inner realization is sadly ignorant. A person with a theoretical knowledge of scriptures but without Self-realization is like a man who eats much food but cannot digest it.
The man with divine realization, even if lacking scriptural knowledge, has attained God and is a worthy example to society. A man possessing both scriptural knowledge and Self-realization has not only attained God but is an admirable teacher for imparting God-consciousness to others.
Right study of the scriptures (svadhyaya) leads to emancipation. A true devotee does not suffer with mental indigestion as does one who gorges himself on scriptural lore without understanding its meaning and without assimilating it into his life. Theoretical study is helpful when it inspires a devotee to practice the holy teachings. Wisdom thoughts are faithful guides and protectors when they become one's constant companions.
Most intellectualists thus become bound by their own conclusions. Seek knowledge from a true guru. Decide upon the best and quickest method of meditation as taught by the great saints and God-realized gurus of India, and then meditate deeper and deeper every day, praying to God with a burning heart, "Reveal Thyself!"”
Intellectual appreciation is the way to reach Truth and a full subjective apprehension of the Self is the goal. Liberation from our delusions can come only when they have ended in pure Knowledge. Darkness can end only in the presence of light.
When Sri Ramana was asked, what all scriptures one must read in order to progress towards self realization, Maharishi asked the devotee, “How many mirrors you need for your shaving”?. The devotee said, only one.
Maharishi said, you may study few treatise for gaining intellectual knowledge of what Brahman is. Thereafter, you must engage in meditation to ultimately realize SELF.
From own experience, author can share that he had read only few treatise- Vivekachudamani, part of Yoga vasishta, Ribhu Gita and may be one or two Upanishads and then went on to meditate on the essence of all these treatise continuously, day and night, for the next 2-3 months before God graced him with the subjective experience of SELF.