Swami Says a story on Surrender - 3
Here is yet another story narrated by Bhagwan, again on the theme on his a devotee binds the Lord by his devotion
Swami tells a beautiful story bringing out this point.

The conversation then proceeded thus:-
Narada: The earth is the biggest of all
Narayana: Is that so? What about Sea?
Narada: Yes, sea is bigger than the earth as it covers the earth.
Narayana: But Narada, surely you would remember that Sage Agasthya once drank up the sea.
Narada: Yes, my Lord, clearly, Agasthya is bigger than the sea.
Narayana: But you seem to have forgotten that currently, Agasthya is just a tiny star in the sky
Narada: Yes, that makes the sky biggest of them all.
Narayana: Have you forgotten that in the Vamana avatar, I covered the entire sky with a single step?
Narada: Oh my God, today seems to be a bad day for me. I am getting everything wrong. Sorry my Lord, I should have known right in the beginning that there can be nothing bigger than You.
Narayana: Narada, I wish what you said is true.
Narada: Why not my Lord?
Narayana: Because, Narada, there is some thing bigger than Me.
Narada: How could that be ever possible? If there is such a thing, what is it?
Narayana: It is the heart of Devotee. With his devotion, a Devotee can hold Me in his heart. Therefore, I am smaller than a Devotee’s heart!!
Swami said, “Narada had to admit that a devotee is even greater than the Lord, and that therefore, the devotee must rank first in importance over everything, surpassing even the Lord.
Such an enormous power which can bind even the Lord, is within the scope of a true devotee. Whatever be the immensity and capacity of any power, how ever magnificent it may be, if it is bound by something else, then the thing that binds is certainly more powerful.
The awesome power of God has been bound by the power of Love, therefore in the path of devotion, you can tie up the Lord and keep Him locked up in your heart”.
(Source - Message of The Lord - chapter in Bhakti or Devotion)
Dear Bhaktas,
You may recall the essence covered in one of the earlier posts on the same subject where, the devotee says "Chita Chora, now, your game is over and I have won. You can no more hide in my heart without my knowledge. You have been discovered in the game of hide and seek, in the game of treasure hunt and having discovered You, I am treasuring You within my heart for ever"!!!
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