Friday, July 14, 2017

Anandamayi Ma

He who by gradual development has acquired knowledge and been progressively enlightened, he, as you say, is established in vritti jnana.

Words, arguments, language, and the like, are of the mind; whereas in the state that has just been referred to, there, language has no place. This body respects whatever anyone may say, because each person’s point of view depends on the particular stairway by which he ascends.

Whatever idea may be held - be it on a high or low level - it is all the same, so far as this body is concerned.

For this reason, whether anyone is of the opinion that the body can or cannot exist without or advances a theory from whatever point of view, everything is right on its own plane. 

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Anandamayi Ma
Yet, beyond words and all expression, where there is manifestation and non-manifestation, duration and non-duration, space and spacelessness - there, nothing holds good.

Even the essence of the things of this world cannot be spoken about; but the essence of Transcendental Being is something far more remote. Then, there is also what is known as ‘merging’. 

But from that into which one is said to have merged, a yogi may be able to extricate one again; this also is a possibility mentioned by you people, is it not? Yet in the state of which this body tells, there it is not so - and ‘not so’ does not express it either. 

By reasoning and discrimination, one may arrive at the conclusion that a small portion of the mind remains so long as physical existence continues. But this body speaks of a state where there is not even the possibility of a trace of the mind.