fog before the Sun, Ignorance melts away before Knowledge." Knowledge is
acquired by uninterrupted inquiry. One should constantly be engaged in Inquiry
on the nature of Bramhan: the reality of the I, the transformations that occur
to the individual at birth and at death and such matters.
you remove the husk that covers the rice, so too the Ignorance that adheres to
the mind has to be removed by the frequent application of the abrasive Atmic
Inquiry. It is only when full knowledge is won that one can get liberated, or,
in other words, attain Moksha. After the attainment of the above - said Atmic
knowledge, one has to follow the path of Brahman and act according to the New
(Author's note -Swami starts this vahini with
instruction of Atmic / SELF enquiry and says that only through SELF
enquiry, Ignorance or Avidya can be removed, like the husk is removed to get
the rice)
doubts that afflict the mind have to be solved by consulting those who know, or
the Sadgurus, one has the chance to meet. Until one gets firmly fixed in the
path that the Guru or Sastra has shown, one has to obey the rules and
directions steadfastly and be in their company or be associated with them one
way or other.
(Author's note - Need for a Sadguru in the path of Jnana is
insisted by the supreme Sadguru Sai in the above para.)
one can progress very fast if one keeps close to the Wise Person who has
realized the Truth, one must, with unrestricted renunciation and sincere
earnestness, follow the instructions of the Teacher and of the Sastras; this is
the real Tapas; this Tapas leads on to the highest stage.
(Author's note - Having reached to Sadguru, Swami insists
the need for following the instructions of Sadguru, being in close proximity
with Him (His teachings) - This is the real Tapas, our SAI says)
ignorance and its concomitant delusion disappear, the Atma in every one shines
in Its own splendor. All that we see is as a mirage, the super-imposition of
something over the Real and the mistaking of that for this.
have a beginning and an end; they evolve and involve, there is evolution as
well as involution. When all is subsumed by involution, or Pralaya, only
Moolaprakriti or the Causal Substance endures. Only the unmanifested Cause
survives the universal dissolution.
note - In a previous post in Tattva Bodha, the sequence of the creation of 5
elements was shared with you. While the entire creation, including
the 5 elements may end during Pralaya, Swami says, the Cause for this
entire creation is the only thing that exists, without any change)
gold is melted in the crucible, it shines with a strange yellow glory. Where
did that light emanate from? From the gold or from the fire? What happened was
only the removal of the dross by the fire; the effulgence belonged to the gold
itself; it is its very nature. The fire is only an instrument for the removal
of the dross. Nothing has been added to the gold by the fire in the crucible!
(Author's note - The Dross referred by SAI is our ignorance,
Avidya. The Gold that shines upon removal of the Dross is we, the SELF, ATMAN,
which shines in all its glory. Swami says, just because we are clouded by our
Avidya, it does not mean that we are Anatman / Non- Self.)