Friday, September 21, 2018

Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Embodiments of Love!

You are all amrutaputras. Hence, constantly remain under that awareness. Proclaim yourself to be amrutaputras. Whatever name has been already given to you, prefix that name with “amrutaputra”. If you consider yourself as anrutaputra, it is a great mistake and a misnomer. Hence, realise your true nature and call yourself amrutaputra.

You should come with empty hands, without even the traditional offerings of pathram, pushpam, phalam and thoyam (leaf, flower, fruit and water). Come with clean hands that proclaim that they have renounced attachment to riches, then, I fill them with grace. I must say that I accept certain things, before giving you that grace; I demand and take sathya, dharma, santhi and prema. I seek the gifts of truth, virtue, peace and love. I draw you to me and then reform and reshape you. I am a kind of smith who repairs broken, leaky, damaged hardware. I repair broken hearts and fragile minds, warped intellects, feeble resolutions and fading faith.

- Sri Sathya Sai Baba (Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 38, Chapter 4)