Sunday, May 13, 2018

Atma Bodha - Post 1

Dear Readers,
We, as human beings, lead our life, believing our body, our mind and our intellect to be our true identity.
We pursue so many things to satisfy the requirement of our Body, Mind and Intellect or BMI.
In reality, as it was very clearly given in all the posts in the very first theme in this blog, "The Purpose of Human Birth", we are verily divine, We are verily God, sent into this world so that, through spiritual sadhana, we retrace our earth and seek, discover and merge in our true identity.
So, there is an apparent contradiction in our approach to our life.
We are infinite God.
We believe  ourselves to be the limited BMI.
All our efforts to satisfy our finite existence fail ultimately because:-
The objects / relations which we pursue to satisfy our thirst for making our finite existence happy - even those objects / relations etc. are also finite and they are all not permanent.
So, human being is in continuous search to derive permanent happiness out of ephemeral and finite objects, with an illusion that his ephemeral BMI is eternal!!!
He thus continuously fails to get the permanent happiness which he seeks birth after birth, as he is searching for right thing (eternal happiness) in wrong objects (the worldly objects which are perishable sooner or later, by their nature).
Where is the ultimate truth - the God or the SELF or the Atman???? How to unfold the mystery behind the only truth - THE GOD??
In a post under the theme “Vedas and Vedanta”, few  questions were raised by the Author, referring to various themes dealt in the blog until then.
The same post, with the questions are reproduced today, to give a kick start to the new theme “Atma Bodha”.
The questions posed were as follows:-

Purpose of Human Birth
How and what is the divine experience that we attain??  
How do we experience God without a name, form and without attributes??
How is the divine experience / the state of existence with no karmas left as balance and we have transcended all actions / all thoughts / all karmas?
What is our state of existence in that absolute self surrender?? 
How do we experience God / Divinity within and without, with no thoughts, when we have merged into the ocean of Love that God's essence is!!!
In the flow shown, the final culmination is shown as “Purpose of life, God realization, is fulfilled”. 
That is the final culmination of the all the efforts taken up in one's spiritual sadhana, with unshakable conviction (mumukshatva). 
However, when it is said, God realization, what is it exactly all about?? Which God is realized?? Where??? And what is the experience, if there is any experience at all, upon realizing the God??
How any realized Master, upon God realization, can possibly explain THE GOD that has been realized by the Master???

Let us start off with these questions and proceed to the next post, again taken from the posts on the theme "Vedas and Vedanta" which tries to answer the fundamental question raised on each theme's essence.
