Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Story on Surrender - Part 5


Thimman was the son of a tribal chief. A reputed archer in his tribe, he often led his people on hunting expeditions. On one such hunt, Thimman was separated from his friends, and he found himself in an unknown part of the jungle. Trying to find his way out, he came across a small shrine dedicated to Lord Shiva. 

The shrine was a small one, consisting of just a Shiva Lingam, but was clean and neat. Thimman found himself inexplicably attracted to the Lingam. He was filled with a desire to make an offering to the deity. 

Thimman had no idea about the correct way to pray to the Lord, but he was so consumed with love for Him that he offered the meat he had with him to the Lord. The Lord was touched by the love of the young boy, and happily accepted the meat. Satisfied, Thimman went away, determined to find his way back to the shrine.

The shrine was an ancient one, and was cared for by a Brahmin who lived in the nearest town, many miles away. The poor Brahman was an ardent devotee of Shiva, but could not make the long journey every day, so he came to the shrine once a fortnight, bringing the items of puja along with him. He cleaned and prayed to the deity and made his offerings before returning home. 

The Brahmin returned to the shrine the day after Thimman had made his offerings, and was shocked to see the meat lying next to the Lord! He assumed that some animals must have left the meat there, and cleaned it well with fresh water from a nearby stream before continuing with his routine. The Brahmin left that day, satisfied that he had done his duty.

The next day, Thimman returned, bringing more meat for the Lord. He did not know any prayers or rituals, and spent some time talking to the Lord and pouring out his heart. This gave him so much pleasure that he started coming to the shrine everyday, bringing with him the catch of the day. 

One day, he felt that the Lord looked a little dirty, and needed a bath. But how could he give the deity a bath? He had no vessels to bring water! As he walked towards the shrine carrying the day’s catch in both arms, he noticed the small stream flowing nearby and had an idea! He bent and filled water in his mouth and went to the shrine where he poured the water from his mouth on the Lingam, thus bathing it. He then made his offerings and spoke to the Lord before leaving for the day.

The next time the Brahmin returned to the shrine, he was repulsed by the sight he saw! There was meat all over the place again, and this time, the lingam was covered by spittle! This was not the work of an animal, but a human being! How could anyone thus defile the Lord? He patiently cleaned up the shrine before chanting the mantras and purifying the Lingam before making his offerings. Again, he left, having done his duty, hoping that such sacrilege would not occur again.

Imagine the Brahmin’s predicament when he saw the same thing every time he arrived there!  Disgusted by the situation, he could not control his tears and addressed the Lord aloud, “O Lord, You are the purest of all, the greatest of all Gods. How can You allow such indignities to happen to You Yourself? You are the protector of the universe. Please protect Yourself from such a sinner!”

... to be continued


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