Friday, September 29, 2017

Dharma Vahini - Post 19

Dear All,

In yesterday's post, the author had explained in detail as to how each stage in life from Brahmacharya to Sanyasa can actually be leading to the single most goal of a human life - TO REACH GOD.

Swami concludes on the same with His following lines in Dharma Vahini.

"How to get that clear vision? The answer is through the practice of dharma, the dharma that is conditioned by caste and stage of life! Dharma enables the Atma to be realized, without any mist or fog hiding it from view. 

The practice of dharma fills you with experience; through that experience, truth is established; the truth reveals clearly, and the vision grants liberation. 

Those who have attachment and hatred, even if they dwell in the forest, cannot escape harm

Those who have conquered the senses, even if they are householders, can be ascetics (tapasvis). If engaged in acts that are not harmful or condemned, they are entitled to be called spiritually wise people (jnanis). 

The home is the hermitage (thapovana) for attaining non-attachment. Liberation cannot be won by progeny, charity, riches, sacrificial rites (yajna), or yoga; what is wanted for liberation is the cleansing of the self.

Kingly sages like King Janaka, Aswapathi, and Dilipa reached the goal while continuing in the householder stage; while in that stage, they struggled and succeeded in removing all obstacles that hindered the winning of the grace of the Lord; they had as the goal the Godhead they wanted to reach. Therefore, do not doubt it; the stage of householder is no hindrance.

Harmony in the household

Moved by the desire to cross this ocean of worldly existence (samsara), the husband and wife must both have harmony of mind. 

The resolution to reach the goal must be equally strong and steady in both. 

Otherwise, renunciation is the refuge! See, even the midday sun is associated with His consort, shadow (
chaya); the sixteen-fractioned moon is closely associated with the cool rays of light, acting like nectar. 

The mistress of the home must be bright, patient, calm, and good and must have all the virtues; then, the home will shine and be a home of victory in the spiritual field also.

There is no rule that people should become renunciates and flee when they meet with difficulties in the spiritual field at home. It can never be fruitful for the husband to become a renunciate without full approval of his wife. 

The best that he can do is to leave home with his wife and be a forest dweller (vanaprastha), adhering to the dharma of that new stage. If there are children who need attention and care, even forest-dwelling at that stage is not favored by the scriptures.


1 comment:

  1. With Humble prostration to SAI GURU!!

    The continuation of gliding of y/day’s nostalgic pour, today’s pour on the 4 stages of life – sadhaka was unfortunate to get released from his prarabdha from the 2nd stage of Grihastha / house holder, where sadhaka was directed to his GURU, who lead to whatever he presently is.


    Before he came into his GURU’s fold, sadhaka was a very normal person with an extra stroke of ego tugged with selfishness towards his body wellbeing and the worldly things he was so attached to which would bring good / satisfaction to him alone. The form deities were the sole solace, that too at itmes of need, which again was a selfish motive for the satisfaction of this body consciousness. All things happening was centered towards satisfying the lower / outer self. Life was full of desires day in and day out yearning to achieve one after the other and when a failure happened grudge, fight, blame and reasoning found escape routes.

    Once into HIS fold, through nidhidyasana HE made us realize that all what was done was adding to more elongated path of realization and slowly started understanding the right & the wrong through discrimination path to reach and attain Mumukshatwa!!! The mind which was racing up and down at its peak oscillation saw a huge drop in its swing as all unwanted thoughts were ERADICATED once and for all in most of the cases as it became dead sure that they are of utter waste!! Detachment was happening while performing the Grahastha dharma, without any hazel. The selfishness unknowingly had transformed to SELFLESSNESS!! LOVE Aura had spread with the raised voices softening!!!


    There is no need for one to be alone / go away from family to attain detachment in this kaliyuga!! The power of nidhidyasana under the GURU’s guidance, one can live in Absolute disassociation with his own body, leave alone being detached from this world / creation – while in association leading a normal life with family and friends. They can see a sea of change in you, but they cannot understand how when they are associated with you, transform into such a supernal stateless state!! Many have found solace and come just to meet, talk even for a short stay and walk away with a divine feel within.

    Sanyasi –

    Similarly It is thought and still many in family think even to take up spirituality one has to do this and that hence only it has to be taken up after 45 / 50 years of age, which is a wrong notion. Also they have this wrong notion that if sadhaka speaks anything with a spiritual touch- he is sure to become a sanyasi, leaving home, stay aloof. This is again absolutely absurd. While in the path of Dharma normal life can be lead being together with family and doing all the required jobs needed for tat juncture with full understanding after experiencing the TRUTH of purpose of life. All one has to find, reach and surrender unconditionally is a realized GURU, who can only guide and relive us from desires and unwanted attachments to lead us thru the 4 steps of Dharma, Atha, Kama and finally Moksha !!

    Extensive / exhaustive reading only helps in gaining knowledge, but this knowledge gained to transform as experience – GURU’s guidance can only make this happen.

    In today’s blog post GURU has explained exactly how sadhaka is being able to live detached through the practice of dharma!!!

    Hari Aum Tat Sat!!!!
