Sunday, December 11, 2016

Seeking Happiness

"As I was coming to the Hall, many devotees greeted me with the words, "Happy Birthday"! They should wish for "happy birthdays" for those who are not happy. I do not need your birthday greetings. The Divine is perennially in bliss (nithyaanandam).

Swami is always happy. Swami does not need your happiness. You be happy. Happiness is union with God. If you want to be happy, join God. Then you can be happy." - Sai Baba Be Happy!

Happiness is actually natural to human beings. Since our beings consist of consciousness-energy, the nature of which is well-being, happiness is our nature. We don’t need good fortune or any new circumstances to be happy, and we don’t need material goods, fun activities or success or power. It’s possible for us just to be happy, without any reason at all, because happiness is just there, inside us, in the same way that the sky and the air are outside us. In one of his most famous poems the Indian mystic Kabir compares human beings to fish who complain about being thirsty, without realising that they can drink the water they're swimming in. 'You wander restlessly from forest to forest,' he tells us, 'while the reality is within your own dwelling. The truth is here! 'Many of us spend our lives looking for happiness from external things, and all the time, while we go to the ends of the earth in search of it, it’s nearer to us than anything else: in our own being. Once we turn our attention in the opposite direction, however, and begin to change ourselves rather than our circumstances, we realise that it was always with us, and always will be.

Dear Brothers and sisters,

In the last few articles, we have seen/ read all about HAPPINESS, as expressed/ given by various masters and today, we have also read and literally seen what is happiness all about, while seeing our SAI above.

Tomorrow, I shall try and summarise the essence of all previous posts on happiness, culminating with today’s post where dear lord says all about Seeking happiness, 

Once we are clear about what we have learnt in the entire week’s posts on this one subject, we will be better placed to proceed to the next step.
