Sunday, October 25, 2020

Sadhana Panchakam - Post 27

In Brahmacharya Ashrama we said, “Renounce all desires in the mind.” In the Grihastha Ashrama we said, “Escape from the prison of Home”. 

Now in Vanaprastha Ashrama we hear, “Renounce all desire-ridden actions.” We are talking of renouncing the last traces of worldly desire so that our whole mind can be offered to the Lord.

What we notice is the great emphasis on renunciation from the very early years of life. Renunciation is indeed the pillar of a righteous, God-oriented life. This is the view of religion in India. 

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad declares that the object to which mind gets attached to, towards that object the subtle self goes together with the deed. 

But the mind which does not desire or who is without desire or who is freed from desires, or whose desire is satisfied or whose desire is the self itself, such one does not suffer.  He is like the falcon who having flown around in the sky becomes weary, folds its wings and comes to his real abiding place, even so is the person who returns to his real abiding place, where he has no desires or where his desire is his self. 

Maitri Upanishad says that mind is said to be of two forms, pure and impure, impure from the influence of desires and pure renouncing the desires. By freeing Mind form the sloth and distraction and making it tranquil, one becomes delivered from the (empirical) mind.  

Bhagwad Gita suggests that when the Mind dwells on the objects of sense, attachment to them is produced; from that attachment springs desire. Therefore it should be restrained slowly even it becomes diverted. 

Uncompromising surrender of desires means performing only such actions as are in conformity with the divine Will, since desires which are not against Dharma, become the conduit for fulfillment of the Divine Will. 

When actions are disciplined (Body), Bhakti in heart, Mind is tranquil and steady (Mind) and desire for Self-knowledge (Intellect), then Karma has done its part and now the person is ready for Sanyasa or dedicated pursuit of Self-Knowledge.

When the person is ready for pursuit of Self-knowledge, even duties can be an obstacle. Duty is an obstacle for contemplating mind.

Householder plays lot of roles. These roles can be demanding. These roles are used intelligently for Self-growth. When these roles and duties have done its job, then take renunciation.  

When Nachiketas was offered 3 boons by Yamadharma Raja, Nachiketas used the first 2 boons to benefit his father and community. 

Using the 3rd boon, he asked Yama to teach Self Knowledge. Even though Yama tempted Nachiketas with worldly things, Nachiketas was unwavering in seeking Self-Knowledge. Such a person is ready for renunciation.

