Sunday, March 17, 2019

Jnana Vahini - Post 8

Continued from previous post.....

These processes are for the evanescent body; they are "shad-bhaava vikaras". They mean being born, existing, growing, changing, getting old, declining and lastly dying. The Atma has no such modification. It is stable, unshakable, fixed, the witness of all change in space and time, unaffected by the transformations, like the waterdrop on the lotus-leaf.

Liberation from the tentacles of the mind can be got by the acquisition of Brahmajnana, the knowledge of the Absolute. This type of liberation is the genuine Swarajya, self-rule. This is the genuine Moksha. 

Whoever grasps the reality behind all this passing show, he will not be troubled by instinct or impulse or any other urge; he will be the master of the real wisdom.

(Author’s note: the changeless / nirvikara explained in the SAT CHIT pour related to an Upadesa Saram verse holds good in aligning perfectly with what Swami has explained about Atman above, which is birthless, deathless, without decline, which does not undergo the 6 vikaras. 

As regards the bliss which a realized seer enjoys, as explained by Swami, it is to give the taste of that bliss and lure the readers to take up this path of jnana. 

Actually, once a jiva attains realization, he transcends even this joy. He just abides by SELF and exists in that Self-Abidance state or pure existence state. But if that is to be explained to the spiritual  seekers, then how it can be explained?? Obviously, Swami has to say, it is Bliss of SELF).

Swami writes,

"The robber who has robbed us of the precious gem of Atma is no other than the mind; so, if the robber is caught and threatened and punished, the gem can be regained. The possessor of that gem is immediately honored by being installed as Brahman.

The Sadhaka must seek the personages who have attained this Knowledge and learn from them their experience and honor them for it and share with them their joy. Indeed, such Sadhakas are blessed, for they are on the road to Swarajya, Self-rule. This is the mystery of Brahman, the understanding that there is no other. This is the Atmajnana.

There are four types of Jnanis:
1.    Brahmavid,
2.  Brahmavidvara,
3.  Brahmavid-Vareeyaan and
4.  Brahmavidvarishta.

These types are differentiated, according to the development of the Sathwic quality in the Jnani. 

The first, the Brahmavid, has reached the fourth stage called Pathyapaththi

The second, the Brahmavidvara has attained the fifth, the A-samasakthi stage. 

The third, Brahmavid-vareeyan, has gained the sixth stage, the Padaartha bhavanaa

The fourth, the Brahmavarishta is in the seventh grade, the Thureeya, the stage of perpetual Samaadhi.

The Brahmavid-varishta is 'liberated' though he is in the body. He has to be forcibly persuaded to partake of food and drink. He will not engage himself in any work relating to the world. He will be unconscious of the body and its demands. 

But the other three will be aware of it, in varying intensities, and they will engage themselves in worldly work, to the extent appropriate to their spiritual status. "

(note - the 7 stages in Jnana are taken up and explained in the next post).
