Saturday, April 28, 2018

Narada Bhakti Sutra - Post 82

Sutra 78. Ahimsaasatyasouchadayaastikyaadi chaaritryaani paripaalaneeyaani.

[Virtues like non-violence, truth, purity, compassion, faith in the existence of God and Vedas and other excellences of character should be strictly cultivated and protected.]

Ahimsaa-satya-soucha-dayaa-aastikya-aadi chaaritryaani: virtues like non-violence, truthfulness, purity, compassion, faith in the existence of God

Paripaalaneeyaani: should be strictly cultivated and protected. 

Just as a plant in a garden is protected from insects, pests, etc., and is given sufficient manure for its growth, so also those virtues have to be protected and nourished. 

Ahimsa, Satyam, etc., are the Yamas (restraints). Soucha, Santosha etc., are the Niyamas (observances). All these are the disciplines, without which no spiritual progress is possible.

Daya is active benevolence. It is the positive expression of love. Ahimsa is the negative expression of love.

In Sutra 76 Narada advises to perform actions which help the growth of devotion. In the present Sutra the devotee is asked to practise five special items of conduct.

In the practice of truth, one must speak exactly what has been seen, heard or understood about a person or a thing. There should not be the least exaggeration or twisting. The speech should be truthful and sweet. Truth which leads to another’s injury is not a desirable thing.

‘Aadi’ - etc. Narada intends to point to the other Divine qualities such as courage, charity, control of senses, austerity, straightforwardness, humility, self-abnegation, tranquility, freedom from wrath, tenderness of heart, sobriety, forgiveness, fortitude etc.

The principles of Yama and Niyama of Patanjali Maharishi’s Raja Yoga philosophy are embodied here.These are the very foundations of Yoga . 

Practice of these virtues purifies the heart and prepares the Antahkarana for the reception of divine light. Compassion softens the hard heart. Satyam purifies the heart. 

God is an embodiment of truth and He can be reached through practice of truthfulness alone. 

Truth alone triumphs. If one is well-established in the practice of Ahimsa in thought, word, and deed, all other virtues will cling to him. Most of the vicious actions are done when one loses his temper. 

Virtues of non-violence, compassion, faith in the lord and in the existence of a higher truth - the righteousness behavior and a virtuous mind must be observed and cultivated.  A perfect life of inner, clean administration, Rama Rajya, must be promulgated in the bosom, if the heart is to be transformed into a tranquil seat of peace and harmony- Ayodhya!!
