Friday, January 6, 2017

My dear brothers and sisters,

A very good morning and Sairam, on this Friday morning, from Oman, a beautiful country gifted by HIM to us.

We have covered the following topics in detail and are now in " SURRENDER" topic

- Purpose of Human birth
- Principal of Karma, 3 kinds of karmas,  free will and destiny, 4 purusharthas  concluding with Swami's words-" No free will except   God's will'  and how Swami reveals the real meaning of those words in meditation.

Any one amongst you, having any question, any thing to share, any thing to ask further on reading the posts but would like to keep the sharing/ doubts / questions/ feedback one to one, may please feel perfectly comfortable to send the same in mail to

The one who is asking the question is HIM. The one who would attempt to clear the doubt is HIM. The one who pours the answers into the author's thoughts is HIM.

So, there need not be any reservations as ALL IS HIM, THERE IS NEITHER YOU, NOR ME!!!!


Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Surrender - Part 3

Dear Ones, 

The previous post ended with the question, why in the path of devotion, the surrender as explained – “Laying down the body, mind, heat and soul at the feet of Lord” does not happen.


All the spiritual practice listed above is undertaken by the devotee with his mind very much present and  every action in the spiritual path as well as in practical life is undertaken with the basis ego that I am this body, I am this person, I am so and so, whereas the second summary point on  surrender says Surrender means  Surrendering the “I” the ego, the notion of that I am this body, mind, intellect to Lord which means, post surrender, one has no cognition of one’s body, mind and intellect as they have already been surrendered to Lord.

The devotee is thus stuck up and even after decades of routine devotional practice, the sense of surrender is not experienced by him because, all the while, he has never been able to eliminate … ne…. transcend the little ego of identifying himself with his body, mind, intellect, his impressions, his likes, his dislikes etc.

So,  some thing has to happen in devotion, which can act as a link between devotion and surrender. The devotion must lead the devotee to some thing, some experience, so over whelming, so complete, so fulfilling, that he is able to forget his ego permanently.

What is that??? What is that???? What is that experience???? O Swami, reveal, tell me the secret, O Sai……..

Swami is moved by the devotee’s sincere earning for the answer and turns to  the devotee and says ………….( Let us know what He says, in the next post)
