Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Lord Buddha

Dear All,

What does the above pour mean to us?

As human beings we commit many mistakes. We act as per dictate of ahamkara and vasanas.

When we listen to the gospel of avataars/masters on how human life has to be, we are often filled with remorse and we always carry the guilt feeling within us though the entire world may not know about the same.

We are often able to forgive the mistakes of others but we look down upon ourselves for all our weaknesses.

Can this be attributed to "dvesha" for ourselves ? Yes, it is.

Bhagwan says, "your compassion must cover yourselves also".

At the lower or still evolving level, it would mean that we have to love ourselves as much we are able to live the world , for, our existence is not apart from God, which we understood in yesterday's post.

"What ever I am, I am Yours. You say You are love and You have told us to live in love. If I have to practice the same, then how can the love not cover myself also? I may be a sinner, I may not be succeeding in progressing towards You, but who else but You can give me the strength to reach You?? Mujhe Shakti do, with that strength, let me immerse in devotion / love for which, mujhe Bhakti do and  after I reach the last but one stage in my Bhakti, give me Your hand and help me cross the last step, mukhti do, to whom can I pray for all these, who has all these things to give but You, O Sai Shiva!!!"

At the highest level, the experience of today's quote is -"In the ocean of Love, the entire cosmos is enveloped (ISA VASYA IDAM SARVAM), how can I be left out as a Jiva, devoid of Love, enriched with ego? There is no one left out, including me, who has any existence separate from the existence of God as LOVE.  Prema Sagara Sai Rama"!!!!!
