Saturday, December 9, 2017

On the completion of one year of this Blog

Dear All,

When someone who visited author's place yesterday pointed out that the blog has completed one year, the author realized, o, is it one year from the date this service was started?!!

Yes, with intuition, inspiration, guidance flowing from Sai, this blog was started in Dec 2016.

So for numerous posts have been covered under the following themes:

  • Purpose of Human birth
  • Creation of Universe
  • Karma
  • Surrender
  • Manas Buddhi Chitta Ahamkara
  • Vedas and Vedantha (where essence of upanishad teachings have been covered)
  • Dharma Vahini
and we are currently going through posts on Sandeha Nivarini.

Besides the above theme, numerous inspiring quotes by Sathya Sai and various realized masters are being posted almost daily.

In the web version of the blog, any of the above themes can be selected from "Label" and then, posts under that theme can be read from post number 1 to the last post under that theme.

While dealing with one theme, the author has no clue of what is going to be the next theme. Swami conveys from within and then the next theme comes forth.

The number of posts read in the last one year is reaching 20,000 mark shortly. 

Humble request to all brothers and sisters, prostrating at your feet - "Please disregard the author and his background, his merits, his de-merits, his past, his present totally and take up one theme at a time, read one post from that theme per day, think on what you have read, while driving to office, while relaxing at home, see if that post has any one or few points of learning for implementing in your  life, note down the same and invoke Swami's blessings to give you strength to implement the points with utmost sincerity!".

Thus, let us evolve together, hand in hand, in smaller steps, day by day. Sunshine will come day, in this birth or next birth, for sure!!!!

Remember Swami's promise- "Take one step towards me and I shall take a 100".

Jai Sairam.

PS - As usual and as ever, author would request readers to share their experience on reading and practicing what they have read in the blog, in this blog as a comment to this post, for all others to know and share the joy!!!!!!


Sandeha Nivarini - Post 20

Dear All,

We will take few lines from Swami's poetic teachings in the previous post to arrive at what Swami teaches us exactly.

 It rolled at first in mushy mire
of mother’s womb, its prison dark.
It came with a whimper, but all around 
they smiled in joy and feasts galore.

( Man is born yet again, bringing along with him, his past karmas)

3. “O tragedy! I am born again”,
It knew and wept, both loud and long. 
but all the while, they caressed it
and laughed to raise a laugh!

(The first cry of child when it is born, has been poetically and ironically given by Swami as a cry on realizing that the child is born again to lead a life between tear and smile, in the samsara whereas others around smile and laugh, as though making a mockery of the birth, warning it for all the tragedy it has to undergo in this world)

5. It runs and skips with gangs of chums 
and learns a hundred tricks and trades; 
it grows so tall and thick and broad; 
from year to year, very fast and fair.

8. This illusion (maya) doll, like the holy bull, 
has the slothful (thamas) rope in nostril hole; 
lust and anger are the scorpion whips 
that whack the back of the slave.

13 . And, you should hear its secret cluck 
when a shameful sensual urge,
a wicked lurking greed
 is satisfied in sin!

(The child as it grows, learns all tricks, assumes all cunningness, lust, anger and satisfies its greed and all sensuous pleasures, resorting to immoral and sinful path)

15 . It totters and blinks through wrinkles and folds; 
and when the children cry, 
“Old Ape, Old Ape”,
it gapes and grins a toothless grin; 
its bones do clatter so!

(And, the man is now in his old age, with his tooth gone, with his bones breaking / dying)

17. Aha! The bird! It shakes its wings!
It files out, brrrr, from out the cage of skin. 
Empty, it tightens; vacant, it straightens; 
o, drag it out of sight; it bloats and stinks.

18. The elements join their parents five; 
the doll’s desires are dust and ash; 
why weep, you fools, when one of you 
falls on the crowded stage?

( And.., he dies. The body joins earth, from where it came. All the desires which the man carried, have no value at the time of his death)

19. Uncles, cousins, aunts, and friends 
march in gloom until door of room!
The illusion (maya) doll, alas, forgot its kin, 
the divine name, redeemer true!

( All relatives and the world around, weep and cry for the departed soul, only up to the room , only till the body is taken away!! Swami brings out the better truth that the world and its beings and the relatives and so and so forth  whom we believe to be our own, will have no time to think of us once we pass away. Hence, He says, as though, come out of all attachment and Love all without the distinction of mine and thine)

21. This puppet weeps, it sleeps and wakes,
when the string is pulled by unseen hand 
The Lord it is, who stands behind,
But the dummy swears, it is I, I, I.

22. Dharma, fate (karma) are the hardy strings 
He tightens or He loosens.
Unaware, the puppet swaggers 
Criss-cross, on the planks.

23. It takes the world as stable, 
this silly strutting dummy!
A twinkle! He winds up the show! 
Exit the pomp and pride!

( It is the Lord who holds the stings of man's life through the two strings - Man's dharma/ actions and Man's  Karma, the result of his actions, but unaware of this secret, man, throughout his several births, thinks  that he is the body and mind and forgets God, fails to engage in good dharma to fetch him good karma)

24. O soul (jiva), you have waded 
through ant and snake and bird; 
seek and find without delay,
the road to lasting bliss!

25. Bless your luck! You now can see 
Sai Krishna, He has come!
Be kin with him and you will know 
your what and why and how.

26. A million words so clever and nice,
Can they appease your hunger’s maw? 
Light the lamp of the soul instead,

And, freed from bondage, run out and play.

27. This song that tells of dummy doll 
makes soul (jiva) sad and wise! I know; 
but (jiva)! See the grand play (leela) of Sathya Sai Nath 
and . . . know Thyself! 


"I HAVE COME TO RESCUE YOU FROM THIS SAMSARA, HOLD ON TO ME AND I SHALL TEACH YOU / GUIDE YOU ABOUT YOUR WHAT (what is the purpose of your birth), WHY (again, why you are born) and HOW (How to lead your life so that you get all punya karmas)"


Dear All, 

What an assurance from the Kali Yuga Avatar, The Paramatma Himself????

Author ends with a para from one of the milestone discourses delivered by Bhagwan which echoes the same assurance which is given above.

"The arrival of the Lord is also anxiously awaited by saints and sages. Spiritual aspirants (sadhus) prayed and I have come. My main tasks are fostering of the Vedas (Hindu scriptures) and fostering of the devotees. Your virtue, your self-control, your detachment, your faith, your steadfastness: these are the signs by which people read of my glory. You can lay claim to be a devotee only when you have placed yourself in my hands fully and completely with no trace of ego. You can enjoy the bliss through the experience the Avathar confers. The Avathar behaves in a human way so that mankind can feel kinship, but rises into his superhuman heights so that mankind can aspire to reach the heights, and through that aspiration actually reach him. Realizing the Lord within you as the motivator is the task for which he comes in human form."


Paramhansa Yogananda