Friday, March 17, 2017

Sri Ramana Maharshi

Dear All,

Silence in true sense is silence of Mind.

Silence of speech may be a temporary phenomena as long as silence of mind is not attained permanently.

Silence of mind is adequately covered in the MBCA posts.

When the mind is not moved by the maddening call of the world, when Ego stands annihilated permanently, when the inner silence is not disturbed  by the noise of the entire world's temptations, then the mind has achieved total silence!

How does a Jnani move about in this world, with his mind silenced totally?

The Jnani may be intensely involved in many actions, may it be the administration of his ashram, non-stop discourses, travelling across the globe for spreading  knowledge, teaching his disciple etc.

But his mind is totally stilled as it does not carry the impact of all his actions nor are the actions initiated due to ego. Any action originating from a Jnani is for Loka kalyanam, welfare of the humanity.

This state can only be experienced and can never be known like any other knowledge in this world.

While the body and mind acts intensely, mind is disassociated totally with the actions undertaken by the Jnani. So, internally, the Jnani is stilled, motion less!

He verily exists as God! God creates the universe but has no thought of having created this world and exists ALONE!

This aspect of  God / Jnani's association with the world is a relationless relation, as chinmaya puts it.
