Sunday, February 11, 2018

Narada Bhakti Sutra - Post 7

Dear All,

Now to the remaining expressions in verse 2.

Tu - is used to differentiate the highest Bhakti which Maharshi Narada alludes to in this Sutra from the lower type of devotion which is actuated by ulterior motives and desires or fear of God, etc.

You should know the difference between ordinary love, the love between wife and husband, children and parents, friends and relations.

Asmin - The word  asmin in this, is used in this Sutra to denote the object of love. Narada’s teaching is non-sectarian. He did not use the word, Brahman, Ishwar, Rama, Krishna, Siva, etc.

The various objects which devotees worship according to their spiritual development are:-

1. a personal God, Vishnu, Siva, Jesus or Buddha  etc.

2. An idol or image of the personal God which will remind him of the Personal God.

3. An Avatara like Lord Rama or Lord Krishna or Sai.

4. Guru or one’s spiritual guide.

5. Humanity in general.

6. The whole world (Viswarupa) conceived as the manifestation of the Supreme Being.

7. The Antaryamin or the inner Ruler or controller of all the objects in the world.

8. One’s own Atman . 

Parama Prema Rupa: There is no trace of selfishness or egoism or any motive or fear in this kind of supreme love. Do not mistake emotion or fanaticism for devotion or supreme love. It will pass away soon. Blind faith also is not supreme love.

Bhakti is love for love’s sake. The devotee wants God and God alone . There is no selfish expectation here. There is no fear also. Therefore it is called “Parama Prem Rupa”

Is the son afraid of his father, who is a Sessions Judge? Is the wife afraid of her husband? So also a devotee entertains the least fear of God. 

The fear of retribution vanishes in him. He feels, believes, conceives and imagines that his Ishtam is an Ocean of Love or Prem .

Bhakti is the slender thread of Prem or love that binds the heart of a devotee with the lotus feet of the Lord. Bhakti is intense devotion and supreme attachment to God. Bhakti is supreme love for God. It is the spontaneous out-pouring of Prem towards the Beloved. 

It is pure, unselfish, divine love or Suddha Prem. There is not a bit of bargaining or expectation of anything here. This higher feeling is indescribable in words. It has to be sincerely experienced by the devotee. Bhakti is a sacred, higher emotion with sublime sentiments that unites the devotees with the Lord.
