Friday, March 22, 2019

Jnana Vahini - Post 13

Swami continues,

"Mana eva Manushyaanaam 
Kaaranam Bandha Mokshayoh";
for men, the mind it is, 
that causes bondage and grants liberation.

The mind runs after an object, gets attached; the senses are alerted; an action results; the mind is rendered happy or unhappy; feeling ensues; fear enters; anger grows; affection develops. Thus, the bonds are tightened.

Fear, anger and affection are the closest comrades of attachment, the comrades dearest to its heart! They are, all four, inseparable companions, moving always together. 

Man did not arise merely to wallow in casual joy and fleeting happiness. It is insane to believe so. Identifying oneself with the 'I' and getting attached to 'Mine' - that is the root cause of sorrow and ignorance. Where there is no egoism, there will be no cognizance of the external world. 

When the external world is not cognized, the ego cannot exist. The wise one, therefore, will dissociate himself from the world and behave ever as the Agent of the Lord, being in it but not of it.

Whatever the crisis, however deep the misery, do not allow your grip over the mind to get loose; tighten it further, fixing your eyes on the higher values. 

Do not allow the mind to stray away from the holy tabernacle of the heart. Make it bow before the Atma within.

The snake shrugs off its coil and has nothing more to do with it. Develop that attitude of non-attachment. Escape from the body-delusion. The weak can never grasp this fact. 

Delusion must disappear without even a trace; then only can one merge with the Un-differentiated. There is no duality there; it is Brahman and Brahman alone. 

All bonds of Avidya, Kama, etc., fall away and one is genuinely, fully Free.

Impure gold is melted in the crucible and it emerges shining and bright. The mind rendered impure by Rajas and Tamas, by anger and conceit, by the impressions of a thousand attachments and desires, can be made bright and resplendent if it is put into the crucible of Inquiry and heated on the coals of Discrimination. That brightness is the light of realization, of the knowledge that You are the Atma.


(Author's note - Kindly note that only important portion in Swami's original Jnana Vahini writing has been taken and in that too, the paragraph have been re-arranged to sustain the flow of learning.

Swami says, "develop non-attachment".  Readers may click on this post on detachment and non-attachment posted earlier.
