Monday, July 30, 2018

Atma Bodha - Post 76

Verse 66

जीवः सर्वमलान्मुक्तः स्वर्णवद्द्योतते स्वयम् ६६॥


[The ‘Jiva’ free from impurities, being heated in the fire of knowledge kindled by hearing and so on, shines of itself like gold.]

In the previous slokas we learnt that Atman though ever present is perceived only by the eye of wisdom and not by the ignorant ones. In the next two slokas Acharya is explaining that such an ignorant one when purified by the fire of knowledge, the Atman shines by itself just like Gold.

In obtaining knowledge, Vedanta recommends three courses, first is sravanam or listening to the truth from the scriptures, then mananam or reasoning of the truth heard and finally nidhidyasanam which is deep contemplation on what has been heard and reasoned out.

Such a systematic learning and contemplation is necessary to clean one from the impurities of thoughts and only when ignorance is removed thus, does the Self reveal itself in all glory.

“Swarnavat Dyotate Swayam” Gold Shines Forth

The beauty of these similes is again and again seen to be the right simile for the right situation. In nature, what do we see that needs to be heated in order to be extracted in pure form? The mining of gold is a brilliant example.

The gold ore contains the tiny gold nuggets in the midst of solid rock. The whole ore has to be heated to a very high temperature in furnaces. Then, with both in liquid form, the gold separates from the rock completely, and is siphoned off as it sinks below the molten rock. When cooled down to form gold bars, it has a beautiful golden shine.

In the same way, the Jiva is Consciousness (the gold) mixed with the impurities of Vasanas, as well as ignorance together with all its effects (the subtle and gross body).

This Jiva (the raw gold ore) has to be smelted down through the rigorous processes of Sadhana. After undergoing this “heating” process, the impurities are removed and the pure gold Consciousness shines forth in the realized sage who has discovered his true identity as Atman, by this process.

Dear All,

How Sai reminds us of the need for intense sadhana to shine as Gold, when He addresses us as “Bangaaru”??

Also, to remind us that even while undergoing the rigorous process of rock getting converted to Gold, the rock, in its essence, had the gold always (Even when a spiritual aspirant has to undergo intense Sravanam, Mananam and Nidhidhyasanam to get rid of all impurities in his mind, at the end, when he shines in and as the fire of Knowledge, the truth is that He is the Gold, He is that Atman ever), Swami writes in the very 1st chapter in Jnana Vahini thus:-

I Quote Bhagawan,

“When gold is melted in the crucible, it shines with a strange yellow glory. Where did that light emanate from? From the gold or the fire? What happened was only the removal of the dross by the fire; the effulgence belonged to the gold itself; it is its very nature. The fire is only an instrument for the removal of the dross. Nothing has been added to the gold by the fire in the crucible! If fire could give the splendour, then why doesn’t a stick or blade or pebble placed in the fire become as shining as gold? One has to conclude that the splendour came not through fire but out of its own inner nature.

The inner presiding Atma (Pratyagatma) is separate from the five sheaths of the individual (the panchakosas). It shines with its own splendour; it is the witness of the activities and consequences of the three qualities (gunas); it is immovable; it is holy and pure; it is eternal; it is indivisible; it is self-manifested, it is peace; it has no end; it is wisdom itself. Such an Atma has to be cognized as Oneself.”

I Unquote Bhagawan.
