Saturday, January 13, 2018

Sandeha Nivarini - Post 51

Devotee: How are we to understand its stages?

Swami: You can have an idea of the stage if you examine daily how you are able to concentrate, how far you have subdued the wandering nature of the mind, and how deeply you taste the divine form; that is all. The stage reached cannot be cognized. 

What you receive, and at what time, depends on His grace. The spiritual aspirant’s mission is to practise meditation, without deviating from the path. The rest is all His grace. It doesn’t depend upon the number of days or the length of time. Some may require many births; others may realize the goal in a few days even. It depends on each one’s faith (sraddha), devotion (bhakthi), and spiritual exercise (sadhana). It cannot be calculated and reasoned out. 

Devotee: So we shouldn’t worry about our spiritual exercise —its progress, stage, and possible decline, etc.

Swami: Exactly. Worry about the discipline needed for the spiritual exercise, but not about its fruition. The reality and the realisation of the reality have no steps or limits. Don’t
yield to all sorts of delusions or desires for this stage and that. 

Stick to the goal and the journey. Never give up the discipline of the spiritual exercise. Don’t change the time of meditation. With one aim and unchanging attitude, strive to attain it. That will vouchsafe the fruit. That will bless you with the bliss. 

Don’t be led away by what others speak about their imaginary experiences. For you, nothing can be as genuine as your own experience. Therefore, first attempt to gain undeviating concentration (ekagratha); let that be your one aim.

Devotee: Meditation (dhyana) means vision of the form of the Lord, doesn’t it, Swami? When such a form is actually seen, they say it is not real and genuine! What do they mean by this?

Swami: Seeing the form of the Lord is the goal of meditation. To achieve that is the aim. But before that goal is reached, there are some obstacles in the way. These are to be guarded against.

Devotee: What kind of obstacles? How are we to guard ourselves?

Swami: You have boarded a train to reach a village. You have heard that the particular village has a station. Many stations of the same type come during the journey and the train halts at each of them. But just because the train halts, you don’t get down at any of them with your luggage, do you? If you get down, you won’t reach the place where you have to go, will you? 

It is no good, alighting at intermediate stations, for you miss your goal and suffer many hardships, not to speak of delay. The wiser course is to note, even before starting on the journey, the names of the intermediate stations etc., by approaching people who have traveled that route before.

Devotee: Everyone appears as a seasoned traveler on the route! How are we to distinguish between those who pretend and those who know?

Swami: Of course, this has to be pondered. Each one might have traveled by a route of their own. Some might tell you the details of the route, the stations, etc., with only the aid of maps. If that is so, you should not follow their directions on that basis. 

Consider wherefrom they started and wherefrom you are starting; consider the route they traversed and the route you have to take. Moreover, it is impossible to consult those who have traveled as far as the goal, for they won’t come back; they won’t be available for consultation at the stage where you are.

So, you need not take the trouble to search and secure people who can tell you their own experience of the route. It is best to take the help and the advice given by the veterans in the Gita, the spiritual texts (Sastras), the Vedas, and the Upanishads. Rely on the words of the Lord and follow the teaching (upadesa) of the Avatars of the Supreme Spirit (Avatara Purushas). Besides, there are countless great men who can guide you as far as they themselves have traveled — but not beyond. For how can they tell you things they themselves haven’t experienced?

Devotee: Well then, how can we get the opportunity to reach that path and attain that goal?

Swami: If one is destined for it, it won’t be difficult at all; the chance will come seeking you. You must have heard the saying, “The person who went in search of a creeper tripped over it on the way.” You need not doubt it; this will happen. 


Sri Aurobindo

The goal marked out for us and the call upon us is to grow into the image of God, to dwell in Him and with Him and be a channel of His joy and might and an instrument of His works. Purified from all that is asubha, transfigured in soul by His touch we have to act in the world as dynamos of that divine electricity and send it thrilling and radiating through mankind, so that wherever one of us stands, hundreds around may become full of His light and force, full of God and full of ananda.
Churches, orders, theologies, philosophies have failed to save mankind because they have busied themselves with intellectual creeds, dogmas, rights and institutions, with acara, suddhi and darsana, as if these could save mankind, and have neglected the one thing needful, the power and purification of the soul.
The reason for which the Avatars descend is to raise up man again and again, developing in him a higher and ever higher humanity, a greater and yet greater development of divine being, bringing more and more of heaven again and again upon the earth until our toil is done, our work accomplished and Sachchidananda fulfilled in all even here, even in this material universe.

- Sri Aurobindo