Saturday, July 11, 2020

Bhagwad Gita - Post 244

Dear All,

We have been focusing on this one mantra in the last 3 days:

Verse 66

Abandoning all duties, take refuge in Me alone; I will liberate thee from all sins; grieve not.

There is a talk / Satsangh on this verse, given by the author today, online.

The video of the online satsangh talk is given below for the benefit of all spiritual seekers all over the world, those who could not attend the satsangh online.

For the information of all readers, every week end, on Friday or Saturday, online satsangh is held on spiritual topics which is available for listening live in author's YouTube channel.

Channel name -         SATYAMURTHY VISWANATHAN

From now onwards, he shall post the link for weekly satsangh in this forum, a day before satsangh.

Among various talks that are available in the above channel, either audio or video, the following subjects are worth mentioning: 

1) Theory of Karma - Covered in 4 parts.
2) Manas Buddhi Chitta Ahankara - covered in 2 parts.
3) Chitra Deepa - analogy of painting , from Panchadasi.
4) Atma Nivedanam talk series - covering 8 to 9 stages in the spiritual journey from start till end.

There are many other talks available in the channel for the benefit of spiritual seekers.

Hari Aum Tatsat.
