Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Every day you must spend some time sitting with Swami in your own house, in your own office, in your own little Puja room, in your own moments of silence talk to Swami who is the indweller, who is there within.  Tell Him your pain, tell Him your happiness, tell Him your sorrows, anxieties, fears, all difficulties. Talk to Him in your own heart. And see how He is going to talk. He is always waiting to talk. But we are not ready to talk to Him. You should not sacrifice that for any other thing. Sacrifice your sleep, sacrifice your food, sacrifice your work – don’t sacrifice this time that you need to spend with Swami. Then you will always remain pure, energetic, kind- hearted. These are the qualities that Swami is looking at. Be good instruments. Don’t let your ego come. That spoils the instrument. That I cannot allow. You be pure instruments. So many things can happen, wonders can happen.

 - Sri Sathya Sai Baba (Divine Discourse Summary, taken up at Sai Spoorthi, Annual Alumni And Alumnae Meet – October 1, 2017)