Thursday, September 20, 2018

Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Fill your hearts with love and let love be the guiding principle in all your activities when you return home. When you have love in your heart, you do not need to worry about anything. God will always be with you, in you, around you and will look after you in all respects. When you say, “Krishna, I will follow You.” It means that Krishna is separate from you. It is possible that you will lose your way. Hence, you should pray, “Krishna, please be with me always.” In fact, He is always in you. When you enquire deeply, you will experience this truth. It is impossible to be away from Him. 

Many devotees proclaim, “Oh God, I am in you, I am with you and I am for you.” They repeat these words like parrots, but do not say from the depths of their heart. Actually, God is never separate from you. Pray to Him wholeheartedly with the conviction that He is always in you, with you, above you, below you and around you. When you offer such a prayer to God, He will certainly redeem your life.

- Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 38, Chapter 9