Monday, May 1, 2017

Creation of the Universe - Part 26

Summarizing Creation Posts

As we have reached the end of the creation posts, let us summarize the important points / truth that we have learnt from this most important “creation” theme.

Author apologizes in advance for the last 2 to 3 posts from today since they will be longer posts! Most profound truth on creation has to be summed up in 2 to 3 posts!!

Why we need to know about creation?

We cannot predict the future unless we know the past. We can formulate laws that govern the universe only if we know its origin. And moreover, the ultimate purpose of every human life is to know the SELF. How can we achieve it without knowing our origin?

That is why we have to learn about the process, the sequence , the Will of God, the purpose of His creating this universe.

What is the sequence of this creation?

In the beginning, there was but, the absolute SELF alone, nothing else was.

Before the creation of this universe, all that existed was God or Self or consciousness, all alone, without name, without form, without description, without volume, without various dimensions, without shape, without beginning or end, without any limitation.

Then He / God, went on to create the following, from space first and earth last, explained in reverse flow thus:

Earth is the most dense - the state of solidity – we can perceive with all five senses. We can see, touch, taste, smell and hear.

Water is less so the state of fluidity – we can perceive by four senses. We can see, touch, taste, hear but cannot smell water.

Fire is constant transformation, constant action. We can perceive by three senses i.e. less considerable less dense (We can see, hear, smell but cannot taste, cannot touch)

Air is movement, subtle transparent movement. We can perceive only with two senses (we can only touch and listen to the sound of air, cannot taste, cannot smell and cannot see)

Space still subtler, nearly imperceptible; we perceive it through sound alone. Yet despite containing all others, it remains untouched by their movement, ever calm ever in balance.

This reverse flow from earth to space explained above was aligned to our own spiritual life from Grossest (Body / Mind) to the subtlest (God realization) thus:

"The entire journey in the spiritual path is to retrace/ evolve from our gross nature (Ego / Jealousy / Hatred / Attachment / Fear) to subtler impressions (vasanas) and then to transcend Mine-ness and Thine-ness (Asmita) to ultimately transcend our most subtlest identity / ignorance (Avidya) and shine as divine entity, as God man"!!

What is the process of Creation/ How God would have created this creation??

We learnt the following doctrines.

Aramba vada:  Like the carpenter makes a chair with some new material like wood and Glue, God created this universe with some other matter apart from Him, something other than Him.

Parinama vada: Like milk is modified to become curd and upon emergence of curd, Milk loses its identity, God modified Himself completely to create this Universe and upon creation of universe, God is not there in the created universe, just like the milk is not there after curd is formed.

Both were not acceptable and both do not align with the learning of entire vedantha. First doctrine is not acceptable because when God existed ALONE, there can be no other matter apart from Him. 2nd doctrine is not acceptable because, If God is not there at all in the created universe, then why there would be any goal for any being to attain God who is no more there!!

So, we went on to learn an important secret related to Creation of universe.

Taking the example of looking at a boulder, then through microscope, seeing the atoms, then the molecules, then at last seeing the continuum of energy, we learnt the following:-

“These so-called ‘things’ – molecules, atoms, energy centres, etc. – never became the stone. They were never transformed into the stone. They did not create the stone. They exist and have always existed in the same condition as they were when you perceived them through a powerful perception. Exactly, the continuum of energy that is God (consciousness), never became a stone. The creation never emerged at all.”


The purpose of human life is to start from our gross perception of this creation ( like the boulder is perceived) and evolve to ultimately reach and merge with /in/as the subtlest TRUTH- THE DIVINITY THAT WE EVER WERE/ARE!


Swami Krishnananda