Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Narada Bhakti Sutra - Post 38

Sutra 26 . Phalarupatwat.

(Because of its being of the nature of the result or fruit of all these)

Phalarupatwat: because of its being of the nature of the result or fruit of all these.

Wherever there is a cause for an effect, that effect is not eternal. To the extent that since there is a cause for this creation (God), even the creation folds itself in Pralaya. Since God has no cause, God exists as eternal.

                                 Efforts / cause                             Result
Jnana           4   fold qualifications                         Knowledge

Karma                     Actions.                                Purity of heart
                                                                              Effacement of ego

Bhakti                      Love                                             Love 

In Bhakti, the starting point is Love and the ending point is also Love. So, Love is not caused by any other thing but it is there inherent as the very nature of a human being is LOVE. 

Sutra 27. Easwarasyapyabhimaanadweshitwat dainyapriyattwattcha.

[(Devotion is higher than the others) because God hates egoism and loves humility.]

Easwarasya: God’s
Api: also
Abhimanadweshitwaat: dislike or aversion for conceit or egoism 
Dainya: priyattwaat, love of meekness
cha: and.

A devotee absolutely depends upon God alone. He is in communion with the Lord. He is ever peaceful and blissful. Others run after cowers etc. They depend upon their self-effort. They fail and become miserable.  
Bhakti is absolute self-surrender. In true devotion there is no room for the pride of one’s own efforts or spiritual discipline. A devotee feels that he is an instrument in the hands of God and God does everything for him. There is not the slightest trace of ego. Therefore, the path of devotion is superior to all other paths.

In the previous 2 posts, this sutra has been covered already, even before reading this sutra.

In Jnana, with gain of knowledge, ego creeps in, which has been covered in post 36 under the head "FALL IN PATH OF JNANA".

In Karma, when one's actions are appreciated by others, recognized by others, ego creeps in. This is also covered in post 36 under "FALL IN THE PATH OF KARMA".

However, the beginning of a devotee's journey in the path of devotion is marked with humility because, the journey begins with "melting of ego" and then "melting of heart" itself . This was dealt in the talk given in a Sai centre in Muscat last month.

In Karma, the body and mind is at work and hence, any achievement leads to EGO.

In Jnana, the intellect is at work and hence, any knowledge about Higher SELF, even though it may be purely theoretical, still it leads to EGO that "I KNOW".

In Bhakti, neither the body, nor the mind nor the intellect works as everything is surrendered at the lotus feet of the God adored and worshipped.

The sense that I am doing, I am knowing, I am praying - Nothing remains when the devotee is immersed in the divine glory of God and tears roll down his cheeks automatically when the heart melts in Love for God.

So, Humility is the spontaneous and natural hallmark of a devotee as there is no one, no physical identity left in him to be not humble!!

Love for God, the path of devotion, is not only the means in the path of devotion but the end by itself, because, the journey begins with Love for God, and through Love for God, the devotee gains Love of God only to exist ultimately as Love which is God!!! Hence the journey is with Love, through Love, in Love, to exist as LOVE.
