Sunday, September 20, 2020

Sadhana Panchakam - Post 16


“Washing Away the Hoards of Sins”


Paridhooyataam: This strong term is used here with deliberate intention. It means “shake off violently”. The scars from old wrong deeds have to be shaken off in very much the same way as a dog shakes off water from its body by giving itself a vigorous shake!


The learning from Karma session (also the blog posts on KARMA theme) helps in fulfilling this instruction to a great extent.


Through Sadhana, through Purushartha, through exercising viveka , through not listening to the dictates of ahankara and chitta (MBCA session), one continues to collect white arrows (good results of action) and clears out the remaining red  arrows ( results of sinful actions of the past) through one’s prarabdha karma.


“Wash away” is a very strong and direct way of describing the above process. One cannot eliminate, one cannot erase, one cannot by pass, one cannot ignore, one cannot over power the effects of past sins. They can only be washed away, where, the detergent and the water used for washing away the effects of all past sins are Purushartha and surrender.


Also, there is a way to wash away through expiatory actions called Prayaschitta Karma when an aspirant is in early stage of spiritual sadhana and is not clear about various aspects of Karma, about various aspects of antahkarana, about the very purpose of his birth.


Prayaschitta is like the road tolls we pay. On the highway, traffic causes wear and tear of the road surface, and toll fees are needed to repair the road. In life, too, we have to pay with Prayaschitta in order to continue our journey. Hindu Dharma devotes considerable attention to this Karma as it plays a key role in reducing Karma.


Practical Aspects of Prayaschitta Karma (at the beginning of Spiritual sadhana) 


1. The Lord’s Name is the most common form of Prayaschitta Karma. It is a medicine that works wonders. All the saints are unanimous in their advice on the glory of the Lord’s Name. There is no escape from this Prayaschitta.


2. Devotional acts of service are a key part of Prayaschitta. The Lord in turn does His bit for us. He lifts the burden of the past and removes the stains of Karma. He also removes the tendency to do the same wrong again. How?? By rendering our heart purer when we are devoted to the Lord.


3. Apology and forgiveness work hand in hand as a pair. Apology draws forth forgiveness from the other party. Apology is the horse which pulls the cart of forgiveness.


4. Fasting, pilgrimage and penance – these are common forms of Prayaschitta in which one deliberately puts oneself through hardships. Traditional pilgrimage or Yatra is done without luxury and comfort.


5. A resolution should always follow Prayaschitta Karma – “I shall never do it again.”


Swami Sivananda fills our heart with great hopes when he describes “SIN”, thus:-


The ignorant man only says: "I am a great sinner." This is a serious mistake. Never for a moment think that you are a sinner. You are the most holy one, you are the ever-pure Atman. Sin cannot touch you. You are above vice and virtue, Dharma and Adharma. Punya and Papa are mental creations only. Sins are mistakes only. 

An ignorant Jiva commits these mistakes during the course of his journey in this world on account of Avidya or ignorance. Through mistakes he gains experiences and marches forward in his path of spirituality. Every mistake is your best teacher. One has to evolve through sins and mistakes. These mistakes are inevitable. Some people become a prey to thoughts of sin. They ever brood: "We are great sinners. We have committed many crimes." This is a great blunder. 

Whenever thoughts of this nature worry you, you should think: 'I am doing Japa of Om. This will burn all old sinful actions. This will purify my mind. I am doing Tapas, fasting and charity. These are all great purifiers. 

I am becoming purer and purer. Nothing can affect me now. I am like the effulgent fire. I have become a holy person.' Assert, whenever such negative thoughts of sin trouble you: 'I am the Nitya Suddha, ever-pure Atman.' 


Hear the words of assurance of Lord Krishna in the Gita:

"Even if thou art the most sinful of all sinners, yet shall thou cross over all sin by the raft of wisdom. As the burning fire reduces fuel to ashes, O Arjuna, so doth the fire of wisdom reduce all action to ashes. Verily, there is no purifier in this world like wisdom; he that is perfected in Yoga finds it in the Self in due season." Ch. IV-36, 37, 38.

"Even if the most sinful worships Me with undivided heart, he too must be accounted righteous, for he hath rightly resolved. Speedily he becometh dutiful and goeth to eternal peace. O Kaunteya, know thou for certain that My devotee perisheth never. 


They who take refuge in Me, O Partha, though of the womb of sin, women, Vaishyas, even Sudras, they also tread the highest path. How much more easily, then, the holy Brahmins and devoted royal saints (attain the goal); having obtained this impermanent and unhappy world, do thou worship Me. 


Fix thy mind on Me, be devoted to Me, sacrifice unto Me, bow down to Me, having thus united thy whole self in Me, taking Me as the supreme goal, thou shalt come to Me." Ch. IX-30



