Friday, August 7, 2020

Sadhana Panchakam - Post 1

Sadhana is a conscious performance of disciplined actions in furthering one’s journey on the Path to Perfection, understanding the Seer’s experiences and through that awareness, being conscious of the essence behind the words, symbols and legends which they used to express their experiences of that Supreme Essence, Sath or the Prime Existence, by whatever name they may call That One.

Sadhana Panchakam is testimony and testament of the one who has traversed the Path to Perfection and experienced enlightenment. 

The Teacher knows and the student should also know that ‘sharp as the edge of a razor and hard to cross, difficult to tread is that Path’ therefore, half-hearted attempts would not be encouraged.

The sadhaka has to accept the sincerity of the Teachers with diligence and be assured of their words as their personal experience, neither awed or frightened of their hallowed presence nor skeptical of their enlightened experience. 

Religion becomes real only when one accepts diversity in perceptions since anything like total expression of experiences and unrestrained belief or misplaced devotion to the Teacher, takes away something of the Teachings. 

Sadhana Panchakam was written by Sri Adi Shankaracharya towards the end of his brief 32 year lifespan. A request was made by his disciples that he should write a brief text summarizing his approach to spiritual life. Bringing all his experience to bear, the great teacher wrote the poem- Sadhana Panchakam.

Sadhana Panchakam derives its name from the five verses that comprise the poem, each one dealing with spiritual practices. Each verse contains 8 instructions, making a total of 40 instructions.

In spite of their brevity, they are remarkable for their deep insight to reveal the very essence of Sadhana at every stage of one’s spiritual growth.

