Saturday, May 6, 2017


Swami Krishnananda

Dear All,

The above quote summarizes the entire MBCA posts in this blog.

In the ego and spirituality, only ego at gross level was handled wherein it was clearly told- " If we think we have done some thing in Sai organization in what ever field  Wong we are in , then it is EGO".  Even when we are appreciated 3 years after we have done some thing and we feel elated within and accept that appreciation with an external word " What I have done, all Swami has done( internally thinking, o man tell more, tell more about my work), then IT IS EGO.

Here, Swami ji deals with the subtlest and the latest of Ego to leave us before we attain perfect freedom. He says, " Identification with Body is Ego". This is what was taught as ASMITA in MBCA posts. You may refer to the post on ASMITA  under MBCA for more clarity.

Then He explains thus:-

Pure knowledge = Jnanam (in Sathyam Jnanam Anantam)  = Chit (in Sat-chit-ananda) = Self illumination.

Worldly knowledge = Knowledge acquired using senses and intellect, once you have identified yourself with body.

This worldly knowledge acquired with our sense and intellect is bound to have coloring of our own impressions, our own prejudices, so it  becomes judgement and not knowledge.

And, He concludes, this judgement caused due to our ego  = Samsara or, it leads to samsara!!

So, the divine call is , 'O man, retrace, from samsara back to intellect, back to senses, back to Identification with Body, back to removal of  basic ignorance of our divinity  and ..... Be free ". 

And when you attain this freedom, you no more acquire knowledge, you exist as source of all knowledge, you exist as reservoir of all ananda of the entire cosmos, you exist as PURE ETERNAL EXISTENCE which is the ETERNAL TRUTH OR SATH!


Swami Krishnananda