Monday, October 23, 2017

Dharma Vahini - Post 42

Dear All,

Let us continue from where we left yesterday.


What is the focus/ experience as a result of the single pointed focus, of a singer in a bhajan??

·     The singer comes and occupies a place and sits in the bhajan hall, with his / her mind focused on "merger / union" with Lord during the Bhajan session.

·       Prior to the bhajan day, during the practice day or even before or after the practice day, with the single pointed focus - "Union with God", the singer utilizes the opportunity to render bhajan as a wonderful, never before and a never after golden opportunity to actually merge with the divine supreme Lord and lose his / her individual identity as a singer in totality.

·       What does the above para mean??? 

·       See, you are allowed a chance for singing and you are going to consider that chance as the ONLY and THE BEST opportunity to merge with Sai / Lord. How would you go about the whole process if your focus is genuine and total??

·       First, you would choose a bhajan which suits you, which you can sing comfortably, which does not involve too much stress / too much technical efforts, as your focus is not to render a best bhajan to be applauded by all gathered there, but the focus is to render a bhajan with ease, with comfort so that the whole focus and the attention on the bhajan day is not on "How you are going to render the bhajan at best"  but the focus is "losing your identity as a singer and merging with the Lord, which can happen only if you take a bhajan which you can sing with ease so that you are not conscious on how and why and what of the bhajan but ON THE LORD!!!

·   Also, given the single focus, if it is a chance to merge with Lord, then how many times, how much you would repeat that bhajan to actually communicate with the Lord and to ensure that the inner thoughts are focused on the D-day, when you are rendering that bhajan?? This results in you practicing the bhajan even without being aware of the same!! Is it not??

·      Now, for the actual rendering of Bhajan on the Bhajan day. The mike is placed before you. With the focus repeatedly mentioned / emphasized in the earlier para(s), can there be any one else other than the Lord and you, the one who has to merge in that Lord?

·      So, you are not actually singing but you are merging with the Lord through the madhyam of Bhajan singing.  You have already gone above your individual ego and the identity to render Bhajan very well so that you can receive few messages, hugs and praises for rendering the bhajan so well!!

·    If the focus is 100% and intense, then, when the Bhajan flows from you, neither you are there nor the Lord is there, but only THE LOVE remains, only LOVE exists.

   (If and only if you have existed as Love, poured the song  as Love, then, be sure, there is no individual ego left in you to judge and feel elated if the bhajan went well and neither there is any one in you to cry/ feel bad if the bhajan did not end up well and even if some one passes a direct/ indirect comment on your spoiling the Bhajan)

Now, all of us, after going through the above, have to introspect on how we should be approaching this most sacred sadhana of Bhajan singing in the context of the Atma Dharma or the Only Dharma viz-a-viz  how we are actually taking this sadhana of Bhajan singing!

More in next post.
