Friday, May 12, 2017

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Dear All,

Here, " faith" mentioned by the master above need not be taken as " blind faith" in God to the extent of shirking one's duties and responsibilities and sitting quiet and saying God will take care of everything.

Any spiritual quote/ any teachings of any master can easily be twisted by our so called perverted mind to suit our attitude.

What it means, in real spiritual sense, is given below.

1) Belief/ faith/ conviction on the existence of one supreme SELF which is beyond the manifest creation, even beyond the unmanifest God ( if one can rise to this level) which is cause less, birth less and hence death less, motion less, change less PURE EXISTENCE.

2) Belief / faith in our shruthis, our scriptures which say " THAT THOUGH ART" - " TAT TWAM ASI", i.e., I am verily that SELF beyond manifest and unmanifest.

3) AT the end, to have unshakable conviction to evolve spiritually in our life so as to march, step by step, towards realizing the above point no 2  and thereby, existing ultimately as per point no 1.

A life led thus, is a life of  greatest strength!
