Monday, January 30, 2017

Surrender - Part 27

In the last post on SURRENDER, Let us visually  glide through various stages in the bhakti sadhana beginning from Attraction towards God and culminating in Samadhi visually, where Sai and His devotee are depicted.

Dear All,

That completes the SURRENDER theme. 

May it be taking in the purpose of human birth and taking the path towards the goal of God realization, May it be taking in the Karma learning, taking up purushartha and focussing Artha, Dharma and Kama with the back drop, with the theme, with the background of Moksha, the only Goal of God realization or taking in the essence of surrender theme and with single minded devotion to experience the transforming of / evolving of Supreme devotion to Supreme Love, the only and only Obstacle is OUR MIND.

So, we move on to the next theme " MANAS, BUDDHI CHITTA AHANKARA" to dive deep into all the aspects of this  mysterious MIND.


Swami Krishnananda