Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Tattva Bodha - Post 6

Saadhanachatushtayam kim?
Nitya anitya vastu vivekaha
Ihaamutra arthaphala bhoga viraagaha
Shamaadi shatkasampattihi
Mumukshutvam cheti

What is Sadhana Chatushtayam?
Discrimination between the real and the unreal objects.
Dispassion towards the enjoyment of fruits of one’s own action here and hereafter.
Six Discipline starting from Shama etc.
Burning desire for liberation

We are going to learn about the 6 virtuous qualities which a spiritual aspirant in the path of wisdom / Self enquiry must attain, which lead him to develop an intense craving for Self Realization.

It has to be noted and driven deep into our heart / mind that the following sequence cannot be changed / done away with:-

1st - Viveka i.e., Discriminating between real and unreal - Sat and Asat.

2nd - Vairagya - Dispassion for the unreal. This is possible only after we have exercised Viveka. If one is not able to discriminate between real and unreal, then how possibly can one develop a dispassion for the unreal? 

Now, coming to the six virtuous qualities, let us be sure that only after Viveka and Vairagya, can we develop these qualities, not before that.

Sama is serenity or tranquility of mind

Sama is serenity or tranquility of mind that is brought about by eradication of subtle desires. Serenity is the state or quality of being serene. It is calmness or coolness of mind, or peace. It is evenness of temper and undisturbed state of mind.
A serene mind is unclouded or unruffled. In a serene mind alone the Divine Light descends.

Serenity comes when you annihilate all desires and cravings. Desires and cravings produce restlessness. If you are serene, it is the greatest manifestation of power and strength. When one is serene, the mind is kept in the chambers of the heart and is not allowed to join with the senses and to move outside into sensual objects. The mind is fixed in the source.  

Serenity of mind is the most important qualification for an aspirant. This is difficult for attainment, but the aspirant must have this qualification at any cost. It demands incessant and protracted practice.

Dama is control of the Indriyas (sense-organs)

Dama is control of the Indriyas (sense-organs). This is rational control, not blunting or deadening of the sense by foolish austerities. 

This body is the moving temple of God. It should be kept healthy and strong. It is a vessel to take you to the other shore of fearlessness and immortality; it is a horse to take you to the goal.

Ignorant people adopt foolish methods to control the senses.

Remember, it is only the abuse or misuse of the organs that brings misery and untoward results. The senses should be consecrated at the Lotus Feet of the Lord for His services. They should be utilized in serving one's Guru and other Mahatmas. 

If the senses are disciplined properly and if they are kept under control, they become your useful servants.

People ask: "Where is the necessity for the practice of Dama, when one practices Sama?" Dama, control of the senses, is also necessary. Then only will one get supreme control of mind. 

Though the senses cannot independently do any havoc when the mind is under control, yet their control ensures perfect safety and supreme peace of mind.

When one's inclinations and emotions, desires and appetites, senses and mind are under control, it is called self-control. Control yourself first, then you can control others. Self-control clears the mind, strengthens judgement and elevates your character. 

There is no triumph more glorious than that of the victory obtained over your own Self. Till you have done this, you will only be a slave of the senses. He who is subject to his passions is the worst slave on the surface of this earth; he who rules his passions, desires, cravings and senses is the real King of Kings.

