Monday, April 8, 2019

Bhagwad Gita - Post 1

Gita means song. But the Gita is no ordinary song. It is the divine song of emancipation. It is given by God to free us of the illusions that have kept us bound. The Gita celebrates our highest truth, the atma.

Atma means self. But atma also means God. Atma is our God-self, our true self. And since God is always one, atma is the one true self of everyone and everything. Illusion makes it appear as the many. Our destiny is to dispel the clouds of illusion so that our truth is revealed and the atma is realized. That is self-knowledge.

When self-knowledge comes, the illusion of separate beings and separate objects goes, and is replaced by unity consciousness. 

In every major age, God comes as avatar and teaches the Gita to initiate us into self-knowledge and dispel the veils which hide our divine nature. 5000 years ago, God came as Krishna, to render this song of truth at a time of great moral decline. At that time, He gave the Gita in order to rescue Arjuna, and through him all of mankind, from the fog of illusion and attachment. 

In this age, He has come again as Sai Baba, to give this sacred teaching at another time of great turmoil and deteriorating values. The malady He is treating is the same, and the remedy He prescribes is also the same, stemming from the same ancient wisdom. 

But, being the very source of eternal wisdom, He knows how to transmit it in a way which makes it come alive today and be meaningful in this present age.

This age is different in many ways from Krishna's age. In this age, the forces of good and evil are not only battling in the same family, but they are battling inside of every being. Baba tells us that if the Lord were to come today, sword in hand, to stamp out all traces of evil, no one alive would escape or survive. 

He comes, instead, as the inner director. Following his guidance, we must fight our own inner battles, conquer our own inner enemies, and gain the ultimate victory of salvation and awakening.

