Monday, March 27, 2017

Swami Vivekananda


Even a mentally very week person, unable to start his spiritual journey due to fear of where he will reach, what will happen if he takes up sadhana etc. should wake up, keep aside all his fears, all his weaknesses, all his apprehensions and stand up and run towards the goal of God realization upon hearing to the roar of the fearless Lion, Saint Sri Vivekananda.

We have heard of the story where a lion was painted like a sheep and it moved along with a group of sheep merrily, totally forgetting its original identity until it was taken to a pool, it was made to see the reflection of its face on the pool and made to realize that it is in fact a lion.

We the human beings have not been painted by any one else but having born as Lion (king of kings), have painted ourselves as Sheep (week animal) and then we happily move around, eat, sleep and enjoy our lives as sheep amongst sheep (in this world full of beings with week mind and lot of desires).

After we have sufficiently suffered or enjoyed for all our karmas performed with our mistaken identity as sheep (man with desires), God enters our lives directly or through a preceptor (Guru). 

The Guru, instead of directly pointing out our mistaken identity, teaches us in the following sequence:-
- Purpose of our birth.
- About karmas, about desires, vasanas and all animal qualities of man on the other  side. 

After we have satisfactorily imbibed his teachings and instructions, he introduces us to what God and We and creation actually is - Sathyam, Jnanam, Anantham - Pure Existence, Pure Knowledge or Consciousness, Infinite or all pervading.

At the end of our spiritual journey under the watchful eyes of our Master, we ultimately stand up and roar, "I AM THAT, TAT TWAM ASI".

"Matter is your servant, you are not the servant of matter"-Your body, mind, intellect (BMI), senses which are matter, must be your servants, serving you to proceed towards your realization that you are lion. 

Whereas, unfortunately, man continues to be  servant  to his  BMI, his senses and continues birth after birth with the notion dictated by his  senses that he is a  sheep (Limited week man with unlimited desires).
