Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Surrender - Part 1

The true meaning of Surrender

“To give yourself entirely, unconditionally and absolutely to God is surrender.”

The above Statement of Swami – “Divinity can be attained only when the Body, Mind and Soul are all surrendered at the lotus feet of the Lord'" is further explained thus:-

Dear Ones,

If you have understood the depth of Swami’s definition of SURRENDER, then you will clearly know that it is a LONG JOURNEY, even if we start today.

To repeat Sai’s words,

“To give yourself entirely, unconditionally and absolutely to God is surrender.”

“Divinity can be attained only when the body, the mind and the soul are all surrendered at the Lotus Feet of the Lord.”

“As long there is a feeling of duality, a sense of I and you, the notion of mine and thine, the Divine state cannot be attained.”

We should be very clear that this stage of total surrender can be attained only stage by stage and not in one stroke.

To surrender Body, Mind and Intellect to Lord”- Very easy to say this but do we know the depth of this one sentence??  This is the stage where, you don’t exist with your mind to say “I have surrendered to God”. When you say that, are you not saying the same with your mind? And here, Sai says, To surrender means, to surrender your Body, Mind, Intellect- BMI, to Lord. That means, the mind which has made all efforts for several births to evolve spiritually, has been transcended and The Surrenderer has been Surrendered and there is no more Surrenderer or Surrendering or Surrendered!

This is the last and final attainment in nava vida bhakti –“Atma nivedanam


Swami Rama