Thursday, March 30, 2017


Dear All,

The initial 2 lines echo Saint Chinmaya's quote where the saint says, even if you slip, even if you fail in your (spiritual) life, do not be afraid, do not get demoralized. Each failure teaches you something very important in your life.

The second part is echoed in the author's spontaneous writing on Buddha's post which he sent to all Muscateers yesterday. The relevant portion of Buddha's post is reproduced below.

The portion given below is as though the response of the devotee to Lord Jesus's assertion that "Lord is one, He goes with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you".

The devotee listens to Jesus's gospel and responds with tears thus:-

"What ever I am, I am Yours. You say You are love and You have told us to live in love. If I have to practice the same, then how can the love not cover myself also? I may be a sinner, I may not be succeeding in progressing towards You, but who else but You can give me the strength to reach You?? 

Mujhe Shakti do, with that strength, let me immerse in devotion / love for which, mujhe Bhakti do and  after I reach the last but one stage in my Bhakti, give me Your hand and help me cross the last step, Mukti do, to whom can I pray for all these, who has all these things to give but You, O Sai Shiva!!!"

This crying out to Lord is natural and spontaneous because:-
  1.  The devotee by himself is not able to evolve in the spiritual path. He is weak, slave to his worldly attachments, existing  like a sheep, though he is Lion, in essence.
  2. When the devotee searches for support, for someone to hold his hands/carry him on his shoulders and take him to the abode of peace, Prashanti,  the devotee looks at the Lord, call him Jesus or Allah or Ishwar or Sai.
  3.  Looking at Sai, the devotee recollects Sai's words "........sambhavami yuge yuge"
  4. Thus, the devotee knows that Here is the Lord who has been coming again and again in various forms from time to time for the protection of virtuous. 
  5. Since the Lord has come, gone and come back again and again and now, after 24/4/2011 has gone once more to His abode, the devotee gets an assurance within and cries out, who else but You can know the path to the ultimate abode (liberation) as coming and going from/to that place is Your hobby. So, who else but You can carry me through and reach me safely to the BRINDAVAN  of divine beauty, the garden of liberation, from this BHAVA SAGAR of samsara with only pain?
So, the devotee cries from the bottom of His heart, O Bhakta vatsala, Prana Sakha, I know You can never forsake me, please carry me, please give me the strength, mujhe Shakti do!

The feeling of the devotee is same, whether he is a hindu or a christian or a muslim or of any other religion because, GOD IS ONE!

"Ekam sat vipra bahudha vadanti"

(THAT  which exists is One: sages call it by various names)


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