The mystic’s conception of the ultimate reality is the only authentic, real experience. It is
not a thought or a concept, but an existential experience.
The mystic is the greatest flowering of human consciousness. His ultimate vision can be described
in three beautiful words which have been used for thousands of years and there has not been
any improvement on them. They are three words from the ancientmost sources: Satyam, Shivam,
Satyam means the truth – not what you think about it, but what it is; not your idea about it, but its
reality. To know this truth you have to be utterly absent. Your very presence will distort the vision,
because your presence means the presence of your mind, your prejudices, your conditionings.
Your absence means absence of all prejudices, all borrowed knowledge, absence of the Christian,
absence of the Hindu, absence of the Mohammedan... just a pure sky, a pure being.
This absence of you is your real presence. Only the prejudices are
absent, the ego is absent, your knowledgeability is absent – but your being shows in its utter purity.
You disappear as a personality and there remains only a pure presence. So it is absence on one
side of all that is false in you, and it is presence on the other side of all that is real in you. In this
state you don’t think, you simply see.
This seeing of existence is the first experience of the mystic contained in the word satyam. Satyam
means the truth – not any conception about it, but truth itself.
Absence of you is your real presence.
ReplyDeleteEpitome of this one line synchronizes the quintessence of the entire vedantha. The absence of all that one has developed as a result of one’s own interpretations of the Truth, can be likened to the chiseling of the unwanted parts of a stone to reveal and revel in the Consciousness that the stone IS.
Everyone has witnessed a rocket launched into the space some or the other time over the TV. How much preparation goes into making this happen successfully? The rocket is just a carrier which is equipped / fueled with unimaginable yet measured energy which would be enough to carry the astronauts or a satellite to the space.
Intense energy is generated to push the rocket into the space against the gravity of the earth. The parts of the rocket detach themselves at each stage indicating that their need is no more. What was indicated as ABSENCE in the post is very much like the parts of the rocket which de-assemble from the rocket. As the rocker progresses, the parts withdraw and vanish. But still the Astronauts or the satellite exist, to merge into the timeless, limitless space as though they never existed.
This is in fact a reverse flow where there is a Big Bang to terminate all that pulls one into it.
Let us immerse into this perennial flow from the Source so that we get drenched and eventually drowned to lose our presence to feel the presence of THAT which IS.
Hari Aum Tat Sat.