Sunday, November 18, 2018

Bhaja Govindam - Post 8

Verse 7

बालस्तावत्क्रीडासक्तः तरुणस्तावत्तरुणीसक्तः वृद्धस्तावच्चिन्तासक्तः परमे ब्रह्मणि कोऽपि सक्तः ७॥

parame brahmai ko’pi na sakta.

The childhood slips away in attachment to playfulness. Youth passes away in attachment to woman. Old age passes away in worrying about many things. Alas, there is hardly anyone who wants to be lost in parabrahman.

The dangers that face us throughout Life. Throughout life, there is something or other that always distracts us from the essential purpose of life. We take a look at these distractions. 

The overall point of this verse is, “When do we find time for God in our life?” A broad look at life shows us that three stereotypes predominate in our lives: 

The boy is usually engrossed in his playful activities.  In childhood, play and games take away all his time. Nothing but play delights him then. 

The days of dolls and play disappear and the days of youth come with its pressing passions. The youth’s mind is diverted, one may even dare to say captured, by thoughts of his beloved.  

Old age
With the wasting of energies and power, the dreaded old age gains admittance forcing man to bend upon others for support. The old man is preoccupied with concerns over his health and the possibility of being lonely. 

Even then, when so much of sorrow, suffering and misery batters him like the waves of the turbulent sea, he does not wholeheartedly turn to God. His fickle mind does not take delight in the thoughts of God. 

Instead, his poor health, advancing age and fear of death, all these haunt a man and in fact, take him nearer to his death, with no peace of mind!

In some cases, repentance does set in old age, man does feel the need to get inwards, turn towards God, but his physical health, his dependence physically and otherwise on others in that age-all these things shatter his confidence and he is left high and dry, without any courage and conviction to turn towards God.

Sankara has covered 3 stages- childhood, youth and old age and related these 3 stages with the desires / state in these 3 stages which haunt a man.

There are few desires / craving which haunts a man which are in between the 3 stages covered in this verse.

Once man settles for marriage, the physical attraction and affection for wife haunts man.

Then, to provide security for himself and his family and to glorify his ego, power, wealth and fame haunts a man.

Simultaneously, affection for his children, then his children’s family…, and the list is endless.

If one examines the basis / underlying factor for whatever has been given by Sankara in 3 stages in this verse, one can realize that it is EGO of a man, ignorance that he is verily divine!!!

The onus is on each one of us to make definite arrangements to bring God into our life at the earliest possible age. If this can be done before we begin to get knocked about by desires in life, then it would save us a lot of bitter experiences in life. 


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