Monday, December 24, 2018

Anandamayi Ma

Who is known as a vaiṣṇava

One who sees Viṣṇu everywhere. 

And as a śākta? One who beholds the Great Mother and nothing save Her. 

In truth, all the various ways of thought spring from one common source — who then is to be blamed, who to be reviled or suppressed? All are equal in essence.

Thou art Mother, 

Thou art Father,

Thou art Friend and

Thou art Master, Truly, 

Thou art all in all.

Every name is Thy Name,

Every quality Thy Quality,

Every form, Thy Form indeed.

Yet He is also where no forms exist, as Pure Unmanifested Being — all depends on one’s avenue of approach.

Anandamayi Ma


  1. Sahasra Seersha Purushaha... The One and the Only One with thousands heads... Acharya gave this unique expression in which there is no plurality at all but it is pregnant with THAT ONE in all... this quote from Anandamayi Maa intoxicates the sadhaka with the Ananda that HE IS... There is nothing apart from HIM... Cleansing of all the so called impressions and bathing in the perennial pours of the Essence, sadhaka dances in ecstasy never to be woken up from it for eternity...

    Hari Aum Tat Sat.

  2. This one expression less expression from Anandamayi Maa says it ALL. The whole of Vedanta Saramsh is covered in IT. There is absolutely no duality in Existence at all. When one has come from the Source, exists in and as Source and merges back in the same Source, where is the duality. If the realized one expresses that there is no Creation at all and everything is Love & Bliss of the Supreme - this is also the PURE UN-MANIFESTED BEING (OR) if one living in the imaginary worldly egoistic Creation / life considering all as Maya / fate for all the ill comings and happy for all the good happening - that also is the same PURE UN-MANIFESTED BEING.
    Ultimately only ONE thing is TRUE EXISTENCE - "ALL ARE EQUAL IN ESSENCE!!!"
    Hari Aum Tatsat!!!

