Monday, August 3, 2020

YT - JDW - Sadhana Chatustaya - Part 2 - Vairagya

Sairam All,

We now enter into the cave of fire to be treated for becoming eligible for the path towards final emancipation.

The second and the most toughest qualification is VAIRAGYA, literally meaning dispassion. The word although is limited in its expression, but the essence is really deep. It is indeed the

Easy said than done is what you may be thinking. This is the test of fire. This is the acid test for qualifying the sadhaka to the next level. While at the grihastha level, this may be termed as non-attachment, at the Sansyasi level, it is total dispassion.

Come let us all dive deep into this yet another intuitive pour from the Source:

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Vairagya or Non-Attachment is to be practiced even by a sadhaka who is in worldly life, pursuing education, career or so to say one in Grihastha dharma.

Vairagya is born out of Viveka… One cannot feel the heat of fire, till one touches fire… you cannot have vairagya unless you really proceed to cross viveka and reach the state of vairagya. Herein the most important requisite is complete desirelessness. 

While VIVEKA is all about purity at the intellect level which keeps us perfect with our discrimination, VAIRAGYA on the other hand, is all about purity of feeling.

All of you must find the silence within by avoiding secular connections and going into the depth of each of the words roared by the Author which is the only bridge which will take you to the ultimate reality / truth.

Unlike Viveka where we had the matrix to make things even more clear, Vairagya is more to do with our own self-introspection. Viveka dealt with WHATs while Vairagya concentrates more deeply into HOWs. How are we going to become desireless? How are we going to be non-attached amidst existence of all those with whom we are attached? List out all the desires as an exercise and rate them in terms of achievement of your ultimate goal, if each and every desire is fulfilled. You will would end up crossing out all the desires that you would have built in. 

Delve deep into THAT one experience which once felt within,  seals the door for all transitory experiences. You will ever remain glued to this ONE SINGLE EXPERIENCE, as you would become ONE, never ever to return to be the experiencer.

How profound... How much intense are these words... How much geared up you should be to match to this intensity... Yet another introspection... Yet another test for you all...



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